Stanford University officials on Monday distanced the elite institution from Dr. Scott Atlas, saying that his views on handling the coronavirus pandemic were “inconsistent” with those of the university and its conservative-leaning think tank after Atlas appeared to promote an uprising against measures to combat the spread of coronavirus as cases reach record-highs.
A senior fellow at the elite university’s Hoover Institution — a widely-respected think tank in libertarian circles that according to its website develops public policies to advance “principles of individual, economic, and political freedom”
Translation: the principles of Me, Me, Me!!!
I mean…HOOVER? Come on. Laying the groundwork for pols who, frankly my dear…don’t give a DAM.
Atlas has also advanced an approach that bears striking resemblance to herd immunity, a theory which has not been widely embraced or proven within the scientific community that advocates for transmission of coronavirus among the young and healthy.
Striking resemblance? It is herd immunity in all of its morally and ethically bankrupt glory. It is simply repulsive. It is what a stupid man mistakes for science.
“Dr. Atlas’s statements reflect his personal views, not those of the Hoover Institution or the university.”
Instead of drawing Hoover closer as it has been doing for a while, Stanford should have separated itself. Why it hasn’t is a long story for another day.
Atlas is not even a Stanford prof, much less a tenured one. Stanford hosts the Hoover Institution for some insane reason or another (presumably billionaire money), but it is governed independently of the university.
Where’s Condi? She became head of the Hoover Institution in September.
Upon being named, she said “looking forward to assuming the helm at Hoover and shaping the future of an institution that addresses some of the most difficult challenges facing the country and the world.”
So she starts by letting Scott Atlas run amuck and kill people.
Maybe in the interest of comity and a bipartisan approach to fighting COVID Biden should keep Atlas in his current position when he takes office. You know, to get along. Don’t look back, look forward. Be inclusive. Let bygones be bygones.
Hoover Institute must die. What fucking joke…“well respected” lol. Its where pseudointellectuals who think Atlas Shrugged should replace the Bible in hotel nightstands go to echo their high school level drivel at each other.
Nothing less than revocation of his medical license by the relevant board will suffice. The only way you’re going to sanction Trump’s stormtroopers is when they lose their ability to make a living in the profession they exploited in order to torture the public.
After all, there are only so many gigs on Fox News.
Shorter Stanford: Pleasepleaseplease don’t anyone start wondering why we have “higher education” and charge boatloads of money for it when this is what it produces with its stamp of approval.