Eliot Spitzer wasn’t buying what Dick Armey was selling about government spending last night on Parker Spitzer, telling the Republican former House majority leader and head of tea party umbrella group Freedomworks that “with all due respect, I’ve never heard such hokum, smoke and mirrors, and dancing on a complete flip-flop, lie, and deception in all my years.”Armey had been describing how the Republicans should take a cue from the Contract With America that Armey authored back in the 90s, and “look at the constitutional legitimacy of every program, and if it’s not constitutionally legitimate, get rid of it. The fact of the matter — pare down the size of government so it’s a decreased burden on the private sector of the economy, and the jobs will follow.”
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=116270