Speier Gets Applause In Sondland Testimony | Talking Points Memo

Only 5 Pinocchios on a daily basis. Arrgh. The president tells the best lies. The most lies. The bigliest lies.

Those lazy, never-tRump reporters at the Jeff-Bozo-Amazon-Washington-Post.


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It was good as an ad-lib but I just don’t get subsequent coverage and retweets about what a burn it was.

I’m familiar with the pinocchios. My reaction stands.

Yeah this is very true. Whenever they have those β€œx lies more than y” assessments they paper over the distortion inherent in selecting which statements to assess. (This doesn’t apply to Trump however. Literally half the things that come out of his mouth are false.)

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I’m sorry but I’m going to have to give you one Pinocchio. Their Pinocchio scale would have to be expanded to at least 100 for the purpose you mentioned.


WaPo now has a bottomless/infinite pinocchio for this very purpose.


acting Resident would be even more appropriate