In this case, the hearse is actually running over the victim before loading up the body.
“Vertical integration”, the call it in the biz schools.
In this case, the hearse is actually running over the victim before loading up the body.
“Vertical integration”, the call it in the biz schools.
Burn in hell, McConnell, burn in hell for eternity.
Although it’s nice to think of what may happen when a company eventually ends up in front of a jury, think about how long tsf – even without a phalanx of top-notch lawyers – has been able to drag out the cases against him. Unless there can be some kind of provision for the CEO to be sitting around without bail during the pretrial period, most of the people involved will be retired before the big cases even reach a jury.
Enough with the “I respectfully dissent” stuff. The 6-justice majority deserves no respect.
Congress, if it wants to restore the system of delegating rulemaking to federal agencies, will have to pass a law relieving the Supreme Court of jurisdiction over these matters.
You will notice that Sotomayor is using Roberts’ absurd comparison of the court to a neutral baseball umpire to respond to this power grab.
I hope that will be the unintended consequence.
But then how long will it take before this Court reins in out of control jury awards? I can hear the gnashing of teeth and the faux outrage when some jury really sticks it to some deserving corporation.
Until it directly hurts them, a % is happy with what we’re seeing.
They, not America, they.
131 days.
Pro tip: When someone uses phrases like “respectfully dissent” or “with all due respect”, it usually means the opposite.
Union made in the USA. Purchases support Hillary’s, where you can also get lovely things like a “turns out she was right about everything” coffee mug.
I suppose maybe it’s best that this Court will undo every protection that Congress and the Executive branch and it’s agencies have passed.
It won’t be chaos unleashed, it will be the complete collapse of our environment followed by the extermination of all life on this planet.
No Mad Max scenarios, it’ll be Mars or Venus and both of those planets have no life on them.
What will Musk and Koch and Bezos etc. do as the world dies around them? Try a do-over? Hop on their spaceships to what habitable planet exactly?
Presidential administrations going back as far as LBJ got legislation passed and deferred to the appropriate agencies the means to get air cleaner by getting the lead out. More streams and lakes became fishable and swimable. We don’t have situations where the Cuyahoga River is bursting in flames. We also beat back acid rain and made sure the ozone layer wasn’t being depleted. Cases like this ignore that progress and the corporate interests who bring them want to roll it back.
At 5 pm EST we are going to take the forums down for about 20 minutes to make a performance improvement which should help with some of the major performance complaints we’re seeing.
It just proves once more how badly we need a functioning Congress. In practice, this means a big enough Democratic majority to pass legislation without tripping over one another’s junk before the third major bill clears one of the chambers.
The Court rightists have proven their intent to be the biggest, deliberate tools they can imagine, when it comes to interpreting laws their bribe gratuity payers don’t like. And they are the most intelligently creative, deliberate tools on Earth.
All these jurisdictional issues, standing issues, and delegation to Executive agency issues, need to be fixed and can only be fixed by amending laws.
Like a mafia boss and his lieutenants managing perceptions.
Joe Columbo tried this in the early 70s. Da biga boss no lika dis, shoota him tree times.
Isa no killa him. He die heart attaka bada bing, bada boom.