Some Thoughts on the Dylan Biopic

Originally published at: Some Thoughts on the Dylan Biopic - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I got the opportunity to see the new Dylan movie at an advance screening a couple nights ago. And I wanted to share a few thoughts about. I don’t know how to write a movie review. And I don’t know enough about movies to write one anyway. These are just some of my reactions of…

There’s a scene in the John Lennon “Imagine” film where they discover someone has been living in the woods behind Lennon’s country estate who is obsessed with him, and Lennon talks to him, “people forget, I’m just a guy, I write songs.”

People forget that Bob Dylan was really “just some guy” because he is also this huge cultural icon. With the energy of a young man he stumbled onto something new and ran with it, then found it was getting bigger than he was prepared for.