Some Republicans Are Trying To Build A Multiracial Right. Can It Work?

Those folks are justifiably pissed when the large corp/factory owner moves the whole shebang to Mexico and leaves them with vacant factories and polluted streams. The problem is that their ruby-red Republican politicians use all their resources to stoke the anger rather than find solutions to the unemployment, polluted land and abandoned buildings.


They barely have a multi-gender right.

A multi-racial right is a unicorn, at this point.


There’s a boat that shows he needs a pickup truck, and the two kids show why he needs two rows of seats, and his wife is beaming at him, and the kids are not bitching about how lame the song is that he made them sing while his truck drives itself to wherever they may be going. I swear, General Motors should just give away boats. But that’s teevee adverts for you. The reality is you can drive to the lake and rent a decent boat, and not end up with it rotting in the sunlight in the front yard. The reality is that shiny new pickup comes with a payment coupon book that will suck all hope out of the spouse’s budget for the next seven years, and there will be no trips to the lake, Jake. And Jake sits there vaguely wondering why the damn truck didn’t bring him happiness, as he picks up on the awesome joy of a beer commercial.


What Haley is talking about is CRT, which is now a rightwing scare word for any mention of the history of slavery in our schools. Critical Race Theory – which isn’t actually being taught below college level – says there is structural racism built into our country and it hasn’t completely disappeared.

Which is true. But the rightwing has warped it into an aversion to teaching the history of slavery at any grade level. It supposedly makes their white snowflake kids feel bad, and elevates black feel more important.

That’s the narrative; that liberals want to teach white kids to feel guilty and hate America. It’s bullshit, but it gives racist Whites something to latch onto that doesn’t sound like outright racism. It’s the age-old reverse racism trick: “I’m not racist, you’re the racist!”


I think you could say they’re trying to build a right that superficially looks multiracial, as they hate and fear being called racists. What they neither hate nor fear is the reality of being racists, and in the rooms where things actually get decided, the various factional fuehrers of the white-wing will continue to live by the old axiom: “If you’re white you’re all right; if you’re brown, stick around; if you’re black, stay back.”


OT It appears that Sarah H. Sanders and Arkansas have stomped on the gas to the past and the wonders of child labor. You would think the Feds might step in at some point.

ETA It appears a child of 16 can work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, for a total of 48 hours but the employer has to affirmatively verify that the kid is actually 16. Now the Lege is working on a bill to eliminate the verification requirement - think of the poor employer having to actually check!


16 yr olds are supposed to be in school during the day, maybe have a parttime job after school or participate in sports and other activities. Working up to 48 hrs a week is unhealthy and certainly not child centered nor pro family or pro life.


Exactly. It hadn’t occurred to me before, but Republicans are like the worst kind of therapist/counselor.

Remember Eliza, the OG chatbot?

This whole mess is being re-enacted in East Palestine.

Eliza, the Republican Politician: What you’re saying is that you’re angry that Norfolk-Southern doused your town with multiple tank car loads of vinyl chloride. Can you tell me more about why you dislike vinyl chloride so much?


“They’ll never understand our love, kitten. At least not in Florida…” - puppy



Said by a woman who idolizes an ex-president, who hates America.

How much more could you hate America, than to side with our enemy in the proxy Russian “war?”

I had some fear that Nikki may have some mojo in this election.

With each statement she makes, she is disintegrating that fear.

Thank you, Haley.


Coastal Montana? That is elite.


How big is his armory for the coming Civil War?

20, 30 weapons?


Kids working that many hours probably aren’t in school. The concern is that removing the verification requirement will allow for even more exploitation of even younger kids. Add to that the new requirement for public school kids to do 75 hours of community service (basically free labor) and you’ve got a system that shoves adult wage earners out of their jobs to be replaced by children.


But when the adults are passed out on the couch from too many pills and beers, what’s an employer to do?


She has no other kind of tweet, you know.


The GOP is moribund. Thinking that they could possibly attract significant numbers of minority voters is just the schizophrenic failings of the hangers-on who are trying to convince themselves that the party is not racist. It will be interesting to see what people like Romney, Bush, and Ryan do once Trump gets the nomination running on the platform that there is no room for the likes of Bush, Romney, McCain in the Trump owned GOP.


The bill which waives age verification is much worse. It will allow children under the age of 16 to work without age verification. This is nuts and it was pointed out will lead to child exploitation and trafficking. What an upside down backwards world. Children will die in Arkansas.

Bill to remove work permit requirement for children under 16 goes to Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ desk - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism


I live near two Starbucks coffee shops. One has a drive thru, the other is by the front door of a grocery store and is a walk up variety. The first shop with the drive thru is always crowded with cars in line. The walk up store is freely open… no line.
Go figure.
I make coffee at home
Simpler that way.


Yes–and his success shouldn’t justify his party’s ignoring the lack of success of people of color more generally, especially if he is willing to promote the idea of American Dream for all people.


Eisenhower received around 38% of the Black vote. Voting for the guy who defeated fascism and wasn’t one kind of mattered. Particularly compared to today’s Republican Party who is in league with the same retrograde elements that we thought were defeated. There will always be a subset of folks like Scott, Donalds and Haley who are ok with the grievance mongering and policies that favor the wealthy interests.