This is the sort of thing Sessions was resorting to toward the end of the campaign–a direct pander to QAnon types:
Alabama Republicans didn’t have much of a choice in their primary and that’s what the MAGA deserved.
He was at Texas Tech and I was in the local airport the day he resigned without warning and without even telling his players, and left on the next plane. A punk and a coward: perfect for Trump. The players hated him.
“People in Alabama voted against Jeff Sessions because Donald Trump told them to,” said Angi Stalnaker, a Republican strategist in Alabama. “If it had been Donald Trump saying, ‘Go write in Mickey Mouse,’ 50 percent of them would have gone to write in Mickey Mouse.”
Mickey would likely have been a better choice than either of these two.
By the way, turnout was abysmal. Republicans may still like Trump, but they won’t walk through a Covid-infested swamp for him…
Keebler Elf acting just like a disgraced member of the Communist Party as he continues to kiss the Chairman’s ass…
Ivanka Trump, a White House employee, is violating the Hatch Act by using her office to promote a private company based on the CEO’s political support.
Democrats need to get a few celebrity athletes/actors into the state to bump up voter registration among minorities and to get out the vote. There really isn’t any state that can’t be made purple if progressives backed the local communities and their efforts to stop voter suppression.
Many people of color had just given up when the DNC did. They are now willing to stand up for themselves but need some support, especially with getting and paying for voter ID.
Si es Trump, tiene que ser corrupto
They actually had a pretty full slate in the primary. These two were just the finalists.
Roy Moore, Bradly Byrne, Congressman, and Arnold Mooney, a state legislator were all on the ballot. Matt Gaetz , 4 other current AL Congressmen, the LT. Governor, the State Senate Pro Tempore, and a former Miss America all dipped their toes into the waters at some point or other.
But its Alabama, Jake…so the ended up with a disgraced elf and a ex football coach.
I wouldn’t mind having some of the players cutting ads for Jones. Joe Trippi is running his campaign so he ought to be creative.
I’d rather it be tribal-- with a twist.
Crimson Tide fans. Are they really going to vote for an Auburn Tiger?
Down there-- this matters.
(ETA: Sen Doug Jones attended U of Alabama)
Smuckers might also like a word:
(I don’t know if that’s close enough for a problem. I’ve been trying to remember the ad campaign since I saw the Tweet.)
I wonder if they make Ivanka gassy.
My Brush with Fame is that for a couple of years in Mobile back in the '90s, I lived two doors down from Sessions. I wouldn’t say we knew each other “well,” but we addressed each other by our first names, and he invited us over to hear an informal announcement for his run for Senate. It’s just been weird, comparing this guy as I knew him then to what I’ve seen of him these past few years.
Goya! Beans For Gentiles.™
I guess in the end, his racism was more important to him than his dignity. Sad.
It was Jeff Sessions along with trump who created the family separation policy for refugees at the Mexican border. That Jeff lost his primary run is part of justice served for those thousands of innocent children thrown into wire cages in warehouses while their parents were who knows where. Our state policy at that time was to be deliberately as cruel as possible. The idea being that other refugees would hear of it and so not come here.
I have no sympathy for Mr. Sessions. May he contract some horribly painful condition that can only be corrected by some plant derived medicine found only in Mexico
What a sad, pathetic little man.
He couldn’t find his backbone so he could stand up and say “I have been wrong these last 6 years. Trump does not deserve the votes of any Alabaman.”