Senior Biden Adviser Points At Data Showing GOP’s ‘Obstructionism’ Will Not ‘Be Rewarded’ | Talking Points Memo

They didn’t learn in 2018. Why would they learn now?

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One of the local tv weathermen turned Republican politician in Kansas announced that the rolling blackouts in Missouri Kansas were the result of windmills freezing. In response the power companies report that their windmills are doing substantially better than their gas fired plants and are providing 10% more than the energy they had expected. In short windmills aren’t the problem.


LIMBAUGH IS DEAD!!! It’s true! Just read it on TMZ!


So that’s why it warmed up here today: the gates of hell opened wide to accept its favorite son.


The Arizona legislature is almost 50%-50% in party affiliation.

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Between him and Phyllis Schlafly… I thought they’d never die! :unamused:


Almost is the key word and Ducey is working on corrupting our bipartisan districting board as we speak. Not to mention packing the AZ Supreme Court with 3 ultra conservative justices a few years ago.


When the discussion gets to policy and specifics, the culture-warrior boys get bored or confused.

Or both

Good for us either way


Lines at the HEB like those at the beginning of the pandemic—instead of toilet paper it’s ground beef and frozen pizzas that are in short supply

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Do you have any evidence for this assertion as opposed to an alternative hypothesis that when voting is costly (time in line, need for current ID, need to update registration when you move frequently) voters only turnout for the most high-stakes elections?

Many congressional districts are gerrymandered and most incumbents get re-elected easily, leading many people to conclude that their vote doesn’t count.

If it was a choice of losing pay (or getting fired) because you’re late for work, or trying to vote after work and maybe being late to daycare pickup, is it surprising that some people just don’t vote unless it’s a really big-deal election ?

On the other hand,if you’re a retiree who hasn’t moved house in 20 years, toddling down to the fire station at 10 am every six months doesn’t cost you anything at all.

First make voting access equal (including time in line to vote and time in line to get the right ID) for all voters, and then, and only then, start speculating on how lazy people are.

I sure hope Donilon is right.

We must never forget the sheer tenacity of evil: Republicans do not give up, and they have most of the country’s state and local government apparatus at their disposal, especially control of state legislatures, as well as a huge, lavishly funded media-entertainment empire. They will fight to the last ditch, like the Nazis in the rubble of Berlin.

Biden certainly has the weather gage now, and he has actually pleasantly surprised me with his ruthlessness on occasion (like getting rid of the NLRB chairman, despite his fixed term).

Let’s hope he keeps it up, and that the Democratic base does NOT go to sleep, as they have too often in the past.

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