Senate Republicans Shrug As Unelected Musk Seizes Their Power

I give it about 3 weeks until Trump starts soliciting the MAGAs for deposits — non-refundable, of course — for Trump-brand timeshares in Gaza.


Hey now…college doesn’t count…


Ron Filipkowski


Every day is Christmas for Putin now.

February 4, 2025 at 9:59 PM


Wow. I’m lost for words.


Fuck them and fuck their holy land. I hope tRump builds casinos and brothels there.


Many people will do anything if they are promised 72 virgins, priapic erections on call, and rivers of wine. Besides, Vice President Harris could never be qualified for certain cultures in Dearborn and elsewhere in America given she is a woman.


The US annexation of the Gaza strip out-Putin’s Putin. It violates international law, just like the annexation of Crimea, violates the Geneva Convention on ethnic cleansing, and lets Bibi stay in power for years while he gets on with Phase II of the Gaza War. Nice real estate, I’m seeing some great golf-course properties on the market in a few years. Egypt and Jordan are supposed to take the 2.1 million people even as the US cuts foreign aid or face sanctions. Is Trump getting into Elon’s ketamine supply?


One of the odd changes in the Trump-Putin relationship over the past year has been how nonchalant Trump has become about Putin’s supposed kompromat. Trump and Putin have likely been in contact since the election, even if no official readouts (although they have been both promising an official phone call for the past week). Bottom line: Putin is getting everything he could dream of. The GOP is sabotaging Ukraine, again pushing a cease-fire that freezes the current front line and keeps Ukraine out of NATO. In just the past day, Trump has thrown the Middle East into chaos with a complete policy reversal and dismissal of international law, permanently “resettling” the Palestinians. This idea you can expel people you don’t like from any place you seek dominion and control is even more retro than imperialism. It’s neolithic. You occupy land, we invade you.


Knowing you for as long as I have I know: You’re only saying that because it’s all true.


When a guy like Trump calls you a smart guy, I guess that really means something right? I mean his uncle was an MIT professor or some shit.


Posted yesterday but still relevant:

A bit off topic - but not really. In a way, I feel sorry for Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and their predecessors. Think of all of the time (over a century now) they’ve spent planning and funding their military in an effort to destroy or undermine the US and President Musk comes along and only has to spend 250 million dollars right out in the open to accomplish the same goal with plausible denial (it’s all Trumps fault). I had no idea buying the Presidency was so cheap. I could probably crowd source it with a good story… I realize Trump is a business man, but can now see why they say Trump’s a failure - he should have charged President Musk more for his title. The guy just can’t close a deal, can he. His father must be spinning in his grave.

And to think it’s all allowed because of the Robert’s Court Citizens United decision. So how much of a kick-back did/are certain members of SCOTUS receiving? I know, they all say it’s their friends just helping them out with vacations, trips, homes, etc. because of their low Federal pay scale. Otherwise, they’d simply have to slum it. Poor babies…I feel for them. Hang on, it will probably get worse before it gets better, but only if the Democrats get their collective acts together with a coherent message and sustained efforts


When it comes to euphemisms, substituting improbable idea for ethnic cleansing takes the cake. (NYT updated idea to plan, but not helpful)


Onward to the conquest of West Bank, the Land of Baby Jesus, Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph! The West Bank is rightfully America’s because it has the best christians and is the only superpower that has been a loyal and devout sunni muslim country.


I am no fan of the CIA because it has wrought much evil, death, and destruction of innocents in many countries. Something does not add up here though. Why does the Republican Party want to shut down the CIA?

Why not focus on dismantling the Department of Education, IRS, Treasury, the Federal Reserve, NIH, FEMA, Coast Guard, or Fort Knox first? There is a lot more money and room for corruption in those departments?


Imagine if Hilary Clinton had direct access to the databases, no checks and balances.

I think it important that Democrats collect the receipts of that fact the Republican party, all its active politicians, put zero distance between them and what President-King Elon and sidekick Donald are doing here.

The Republican party, everyone of its active politicians has abdicated the entirety of their responsibility, they have broken their oath of office,


Your are right I guess but sad to say no one will stop Musk and minions


Oh, I don’t know about that. 45 did it and no one did a damned thing about it but rattle sabres.

The GQP learned from that. They know no one will stand in the way of their plan.


Too many sycophants are being confirmed to the Cabinet/Junk drawer. I wouldn’t count on a 25th amendment solution and I certainly don’t believe, if implemented, that things would be any better under Vance (who is staying remarkably out of the limelight of all of this).


I’ll say this for Mike Crapo. He’s the most appropriately named politician in the US today. When you vote for him you know exactly what you are going to get.


It’s so easy to counter Mike Johnson’s argument that, because Trump is “in charge” of the Executive Branch, he can shutter any agency without congressional approval. Fine, let’s shutter the Defense Department. Don’t like that? Let’s shut down the State Department. Can’t touch those? OK, then you can’t touch anything else, because they’re all congressionally-mandated departments. This isn’t that complicated.