Senate Drops Report On Trump’s Use Of DOJ To Stay In Power | Talking Points Memo

Exactly and I am torn.

Part of me wants the Dems to use ALL the power and just fix everything already, damn the niceties, traditions and laws. ( You know…like a Repube)

The other part is proud of the fact that we DO follow the rule of law.

Is a puzzlement.


Me? I’m still waiting for the drop of the UNREDACTED Mueller report.


I think we can be patient a little longer. The case is getting stronger and stronger for serious charges. Better to get the ducks in a row before firing off unprepared for a solid case.


I agree…as long as THAT is the final step.

After Mueller and two impeachments that failed to dump TFG, it’s hard not to be a little gun shy.


But there is this thought out there that Insurrection 1.0 was just a rehearsal for Insurrection 2.0.

If we do nothing about it - simply ignore it, sweep it under the rug - in the name of comity, do we then get what we deserve?

I don’t know - but not prosecuting this leads to the question why prosecute anything? Just go entirely lawless. Or are we already there?


Me too. It’s a dilemma. I remember being enraged when they impeached Clinton. It was clearly political, we know that, it’s undeniable. But what he did, both the affair and the perjury, were clearly wrong, and I chose to entirely ignore that, along with millions of others, and twenty years on that bothers me a little. I think if you prosecuted the far more deserving Trump you’d quite possibly get a huge and damaging explosion of sympathy and outrage. His supporters are angry for stupid reasons, but we’ve seen by now how angry they nevertheless are and where it can lead. This situation just doesn’t seem simple to me and I won’t pretend it does to get attaboys from other folks.


Oh…I’m not saying NOT prosecute. I really do believe that Garland will get there…particularly since SO much proof is coming out.

The waiting is the hardest part. And I’m not being Petty.


I don’t hold out much hope House 1/6 investigators will force timely compliance with subpoenas issued to all the major players in GOPland they want to question. Most or all of them either have the money, or can raise it from the wingnutosphere, to pay lawyers to stave off any day of reckoning well beyond the seating of the new Congress after the midterms. And if Republicans take control of the House the investigation and committee will be shut down and disbanded.
Our legal and court system are ruinously slow to exact justice, it’ll be no different in dealing with this motley crew. Ken Paxton was indicted for security fraud nearly six years ago and still hasn’t come to trial. Scavino, Bannon, Patel, Meadows, et al can just string this out until some eventual GOP Prez just pardons them for any legal sanctions they may eventually get tagged with. Whether it be 2024, 2028 or 2032, they can just wait it out.


A fair number of people have complained about the “live-blogging” format that TPM’s reporters have been working with for the last couple months. This is the kind of reporting that proves those people to be wrong.

Thanks, TPM.


I completely agree with your perception that the DOJ’s default position is not to appear political in its prosecutions. They have to define a line, though, past which efforts to subvert the vote and illegally seize power and — ya know — subvert democracy will be vigorously prosecuted.

I have yet to see that line being drawn, let alone anyone picking up a big purple crayon to draw it. They seem to be saying “we are putting our thumb on the scale because we don’t want to be accused of putting our thumb on the other side of the scale.” Which has the effect of confirming the GOP message that the scale is not trustworthy.

Beyond perverting justice, it is politically foolish. Do you want to run ads that the GOP took the debt ceiling hostage, or that GOP is trying to take your vote away? The only way you can run the latter type is if you don’t sweep 1/6 under the rug, but actually make public the intercepts and emails that show 1/6 was a GOP-planned coup attempt, and confirm that coup attempts are against the law by prosecuting the planners.


I’m not so sure and only because the clock is ticking - if he doesn’t get started before midterms campaigning next year, this will be used against the Dems and very likely cause a whole bunch of issues with certifying elections for Congress positions, where winning candidates will be forced into recount after recount falsely proving they didn’t win.

Without that certification, Congress can’t convene. There’re a whole bunch of issues here that could be stopped if prosecution goes forward. That and the Voting law may be all that stands between us and total legislative chaos next year.


Now if Josh would just hire a proofreader to go over his posts before he publishes them.


We often hear that the wheels of justice "grind slowly "…there seems to be no ambiguity to how these events were organized and unfolded…let the indictments begin!The Don is well beyond the point of any benefit of the doubt…it will take years to undue the damage Trump and his puppets foisted on America…the effects are still toxic and distracting from our progress as a nation…


An eye-opening account from the trenches.


I won’t back down on this either. I hope tfg don’t come around here no more…


All this document does is to give public recognition to the efforts of Clark, Meadows et al. They will suffer absolutely no consequences for their actions, on the contrary the Wingnut Welfare Network is going to compensate them for their efforts.


I will not descend into the pit of despair…yet.


I understand all that. I explicitly said it was a dilemma, which by definition means whatever course you take has drawbacks. I suppose I could say it was a dilemma in all caps. :thinking:


Note: The folks in Jonestown Guyana followed Jim Jones’ lead, wherever it went.


We will. Just like the we have the Supreme Court that we deserve.

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