Out of all you guys’ observations on why Manchin is being a dick I haven’t heard anyone pointing out that either bill on voting can undo what the Republicans in the states have passed, or are trying to pass, that the legislature on its own can declare the winners and the losers. This determination is not based on evidence of fraud, but on the suggestion of fraud.
Someone seriously needs to stick a microphone under Manchin’s chin and ask him if he’s been keeping up with the what the Republicans in the legislatures are doing to access to the voting booth.
Also, I’m sure Joe gets a big ol’ woody every time he thinks about how many more times his name has been uttered in the last 3 months than in his entire previous term in office.
If nothing else we need to make sure his daughter never imagines she can show her face in politics after Dad’s stunts this term.
I think his motives are corrupt in some way(s) or other yet to be determined.
That’s why any appeals to his reason will be futile.
Actually, I think restricting the franchise is their policy.
Of course, that’s really redolent of Jim Crow; so, I have no expectation of their coming out and saying it.
It seems to me that Manchin wants things. He wants money for West Virginia. He wants infrastructure. He wants job training for coal miners.
He presumes he can get these things without giving up anything. He has no reason not to believe that. Maybe its time to make him believe. I am happy letting West Virginia go to hell for a chance at saving our democracy. Even a poor chance.
The 10 Republicans will magically vanish into " Mitchland"…never to be heard from on items of significant importance
I’m starting to agree with something Digby said a few days ago. It’s possible that Manchin, Sinema, and the GQP can effectively block progressive legislation going forward (for their various opaque reasons) so the job for Dems now is to pursue aggressive investigations of the utter corruption and malfeasance perpetrated during the Mango Mussolini years.
Combine that with all-hands-on-deck, five-alarm fire drill, 4th down, whatever stupid metaphor for total focus on GETTING MORE DEMS ELECTED TO THE SENATE IN 2022 so Joe can go back to being a nothing contrarian.
Why isn’t the answer that he simply wants Dems to avoid blame; the end of the filibuster will be on the Republicans. It’s a loser’s position, but some people would just rather be righteous losers. Is the guy even going to run again? Alternatively, could he be looking for some major bribe such as Ben Nelson won for Nebraska. I have not heard much about horse trading for votes as in the good old days.
Since 10 Republicans are not gettable, and Manchin won’t vote to eliminate the filibuster, and Democrats want to tamp down on voter supression, and Democrats have other priorities besides this one, and Democrats want to hold onto or increase their representation in the House and Senate, and the obvious way (to me) to do that otherwise is to pass an infrastructure bill, and Manchin has called for a big infrastructure bill, why don’t Democrats focus all their time and energy on (1) passing an infrastructure bill, and (2) getting people registered to vote before the next election and actually voting in the next election?
This ^^^
Manchin always has an out, without ever having to explain himself beyond vague principles.
Wake me when it’s clear he’ll vote for reconciliation to pass anything more than the brief moment of shame at the start of Biden’s term. Until then, it’s a waste of energy studying the muddled tea-leaves of his evasive proclamations.
Not yelling at you.
I’m not stupid enough to believe that Manchin is such an idealist that he pretending to be here. As @tierney pointed out Manchin hasn’t said what he specifically doesn’t like.
And I say bullpucky on this. There are states that haven’t figured out that we are a mobile population. That people don’t stay in one place anymore (except for me), and thus it complicating when you are living in one state because you have an assignment that may only last for half a year, a year with an election in it. And yes you can vote absentee, but in some states you have to have it notarized, and they now want more proof of ID.
This proof of photo ID is one thing but just proof of ID that consists of:
Show one of the forms of acceptable identification and sign the poll book to obtain your ballot:
- Identification issued by the state of Missouri, an agency of the state, or a local election authority of the state;
- Identification issued by the United States government or agency thereof;
- Identification issued by an institution of higher education, including a university, college, vocational and technical school, located within the state of Missouri; or
- A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check or other government document that contains the name and address of the voter.
And knowing young people, they move around a lot, even within the same city. So where you live now on election day may not be the same address that is on your ID. And this right here in the digital age can keep people from voting. Or make it harder to vote.
The only election overhaul with Republican support is that which they are advancing through various state houses.
Is that what he is backing? Has he made any comments on it?
To paraphrase the infamous Jack Germond on McLaughlin Group about 30 years ago, “Being right in this case is like pissing in a blue serge suit. It might make you feel warm, but you’re the only one who knows and now you’re sitting in your own mess.”
Democrats are incapable of or rarely use the tools that power makes available to them. Their patrician disposition makes turning the screws anathema to them. This is why republicans do so well managing their herd. They do it with threats and they whip them in line. If necessary, they let incalcitrant members know what a nice family they have and what a shame it would be if something happened to them.
What I wrote a couple days ago:
Even going back to the public option debate, there’s always one or two Democrats that will go against their party. I think it’s more of a corporate or special interest/ bribery thing than anything else.
The Koch network has been actively pressuring Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin to oppose key legislative items linked to Biden’s agenda, including filibuster reform and voting rights legislation.
The lobbying effort appears to be paying off. Manchin, in a recent op-ed, wrote that he opposed eliminating the filibuster and that he would not vote for the For the People Act.
The Koch network specifically calls on its grassroots supporters to push Manchin, a conservative Democrat, to be against some of his party’s legislative priorities.
He needs some pressure from WV Democrats. There are some Democrats in WV…right?
I would be absolutely delighted if I never heard Manchin’s name mentioned or happened upon a photo of his face again.
When your caucus has child rapists, foreign spies, rape enablers and others with personal stuff they want to keep hidden, much easier to twist arms to keep them in line.
It’s not just Manchin and Sinema. A bunch of Democrats are closet Republicans.
What fatuous twaddle.
There are roughly 36% of WVA citizens who are registered Democrats, and roughly the same percentage who are registered Republicans.
Around 22% are Independents.