The Senate made history Wednesday by confirming Vanita Gupta as associate attorney general, making her the first woman of color to be confirmed to the no. 3 role at the Justice Department.
Once again the same GOP Senators (and party) who loved the racist Jeff Sessions and the corrupt Wm. Barr prove that they hate those fighting to make the Constitution work for all Americans. Sad!
Somewhat off-topic, but revealing, is Sen. Murkowski’s expressed concern over victimized Native American women in her state.
Given attacks by Republicans over her impeachment vote, Murkowski will increasingly de-nationalize her 2022 reelection bid and attempt to bear hug Alaskan Native Americans to offset possible declining support from the GOP base.
And of course, that is why the GOP so vehemently objects to their respective appointments. Racial equity and justice are two things the GOP has absolutely no interest in. Just look at how friendly they have become with white supremacists.
It’s aggravating to me when, in 2021, I keep seeing “first woman,” “first person of color,” “first indigenous person” for a country that’s existed for over 230 years. It’s a real credit to President Biden that he’s taking his campaign promises so seriously and despite being anything but a first himself, seems committed to covering most of the possible firsts in his administration.