Remember the whistleblower complaint? It wasn’t meant to be sent only to the House – in fact, it was the Senate Intelligence Chair that was the first addressee on his letter…
so the real question should be…why isn’t the Senate Intelligence Committee following up on the whistleblower report?
Exactly what I was going to say. Impeachment by the House will lead to a trial in the Senate that allows for everybody to see this in full transparency. Unless a corrupt politician sabotages or quickly shuts down the trial process.
True, and I’ve just gotta believe there’s a not small number of GOP senators who absolutely hate the hell out of Trump and want nothing more than to be able to send him packing, to give him that John McCain thumbs down, frowny face as he’s walking out the door. Despite all the egregious and disgusting public behavior we’ve witnessed, I can’t even fathom what that clown says and does behind closed doors.
But I think what is really turning them now is…they don’t want to run campaigns with him at the top of the ticket. Because they know the entire GOP platform will be Trump’s Airing of Grievances. NOTHING else will get through. No policy discussion, no wedge issues…nothing.
Collins is doomed beyond any chance with that. So is McSally. Tillis can’t survive multiple trips from Trump doing rallies with that. Ernst? Running for re-election in a state whose farms are cratering due to Trump’s tradewars? That’s the last thing she wants. Georgia has two Senate seats up…and Perdue is a weak candidate to start with. Neverending Trump clogging up his airwaves?..nope. Hell, even Roberts old seat could be in play…Kobach or Pompeo? with Trump in full grievance mode? Yeah, I wouldn’t feel safe counting on that one.
I could go on and on, but I think the point is made. If you’re a republican Senator running for re-election in 2020 with even a remote chance of having a difficult race, you don’t want Trump anywhere near your state or your campaign.
Maybe with this wishy-washy CYA B.S. Mr. Transparency is starting to position himself to replace a disgraced Trump and Pence on the 2020 ticket. He’s already got a giant war chest…
Thune has more cash on hand than some current Democratic presidential candidates have raised during the entirety of their campaigns, including Tulsi Gabbard ($9.1 million) and Julian Castro ($7.63 million).
" it’s pretty hard to draw any hard and fast conclusions.”
he continued “Everything we’ve witnessed in the past 3 years with our own eyes needs to be examined through a pair of drug-store glass lenses smeared with vaseline.”
Trumpty Dumpty sits on the wall.
Trumpty Dumpty will have a great fall.
and all of his money and all of his men
Will never put Trumpty Dumpty together again.
It’s hard to understand all these complaints about process–and completely ignoring substance–when it’s readily apparent that the only acceptable process for the complainers would be to drop the whole thing and play three monkeys.
“But I would say also that until we have a process that allows for everybody to see this in full transparency, it’s pretty hard to draw any hard and fast conclusions.”