Second Circuit Rehears Arguments On Criminal Subpoena For Trump’s Tax Returns | Talking Points Memo

After this is over, can consovoy be sanctioned? He’s making argument that are frivolous and/or have already been shot down. (I particularly like the idea that the subject of a grand jury investigation gets to determine the scope of that investigation. It would simplify so many things.)


Or…maybe just friendlier to well-reasoned arguments?


Instead, Consovoy said, the court should let President Trump define the scope of the investigation.

Uh huh.


Did the case involve covering up rapes and sexual assaults committed by Baylor University football players–You know, Starr’s one and only area of expertise? If not, then no.


You have to really go off the deep end into frivolity to get sanctioned for it. I don’t see it happening. He’s drifting in the direction of frivolity, but I’ve seen worse, and there’s a plausibility to the legal arguments because he’s not a fucking idiot. In fact, he knows precisely what he’s doing and there’s a playbook already written for it. This is the game they’re playing and why packing the courts is so important to them. Federalist Society, ALEC, Heritage, et al…they’ve written these arguments and planned them for years and they’ve done so knowing that it is essentially a demand for changing the law, so they’ve been very very careful to construct the arguments with a thin veneer of legal legitimacy. Then it’s just a waiting game until they have the opportunity to control the courts as much as possible and run their ideology up the flagpole to a packed SCOTUS.


If the courts would simply accept Trump’s arguments that he cannot be touched, a lot of time and substantial court resources could be preserved.


““The District Court said that these were claims that had already been decided,” Consovoy said, adding that that supposed error “infected” the entire ruling.”"

He knows he’s lost and is already tipping his hand to show he’s appealing no matter what and what, in part, he will argue to the SCOTUS.


The supremes will have to issue a stay.

Remake of Red Dawn coming to a streaming service near you!


It’s going to be so delicious when Trump stops paying Consovoy’s invoices (if he hasn’t already stopped paying them, what with the campaign slush fund already running dry).


I’ve always believed Joe should open his questions during the debate on Tuesday with something about donald’s tax returns and not accept any “audit” nonsense.


I will never understand why these judges, after hearing one frivolous argument after another, do not cite these lawyers and their client for contempt.


I was reading some of the final coverage of the Dunne responses, and it seemed that he was a little bit at sea. As in “How do I respond to the claim that the subpoena is invalid because it was filed by a Red Lectroid? Well, I’m not sure, your honor.”


“Someday, I can steal with impunity too!” - Horatio Al Jazeera

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Ad Infinitum

or as Yogi said, deja vu all over again

again and again in the same way; forever

So, there’s a significantly higher probability that they’re qualified jurists and not political operatives.



The legal strategy of people with money. Correction. Of corrupt people with money to waste.

Courts settle things only if people want them to. Otherwise, it assists the criminal with delaying justice, as in this case.

Examine his damn taxes!

There’s more probable cause there now than there was for some bogeyman in Breonna Taylor’s apartment.


You’re probably right.

I think Joe should just abjectly discount Trump completely, and use his time to talk to people, reflecting on one simple aspect of the issues.

Mr. Biden, what will you do if Mr. Trump refuses to leave office?

I don’t have time for silliness. Now, about that wall on the southern border. It costs too much and won’t work. We need to let Texas landowners keep their land, and fix immigration another way.


Now that was funny.

Well done.