SCOTUS Demands Maryland, Virginia Officials To Stop Protests At Justices’ Homes

:fire: :fire: :fire:

Had the marshal taken time to explore the matter, she would have learned that the constitutionality of the statute cited in her letter has been questioned by the Maryland Attorney General’s Office,


As much as I share the “boo-fucking-hoo” sentiment of posters here, I do wonder if protesting with a bullhorn outside a justice’s house accomplishes anything other than the psychological benefit of venting, while mostly serving to radicalize the justice even further toward the Christofascist right. Take that energy to register voters and organize abortion access instead. Use it to work for Fetterman and Tim Ryan. Work on building the case to impeach Thomas, rather than just inconveniencing his house staff.


Trump does and many Republicans back him and take it to the Courts.
Also the Gang of Six should never be aloud to have any peace, anywhere they go, for the rest of their lives.


OT, but an excellent read:

Before Tuesday, it seemed like hyperbole to suggest charging Trump with insurrection. But once a prima facie case has been made to charge Trump with inciting a riot and with obstructing Congress, the case for an insurrection charge follows logically. After all, what is an insurrection against Congress but a violent riot with the intent to obstruct Congress’s most solemn duty: facilitating the peaceful transition of power?

Trump, as he so often does, has left the country facing a painful dilemma. Attorney General Merrick Garland has no good options, only bad ones. But the bad options are not all equally bad. While we certainly don’t envy Garland and the difficult decision he has to make, we think that, after Tuesday’s testimony, letting Trump off the hook poses a greater threat to American democracy than does prosecuting him.



Since a majority of the court is likely down with ending the notion of an inherent right to privacy found in Griswold I don’t see where they have any particular expectation that anything can or should be done about protestors outside their homes.

I will be kind and simply say that I am…unmoved by their poutrage.


Well, well, well. Now the body that’s supposed to protect the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment is asking that the First Amendment be ignored because it inconveniences some of its members.

And if the constitutionality of the state statutes gets litigated all the way up to the Supreme Court, will five Justices recuse themselves?

I think that question answers itself.


I would put it differently and say we have Supreme Court justices with life time tenure appointed by minority presidents who are afraid of the American people.

Which explains their view and plans for both voting rights and who will decide how election winners are decided.

I really hope the people continue to scare these Republican and not conservative justices who don’t give a care about the constitution or their oaths of office because these Republican and not consevative justices who only care and consistincy is miority power scare the hell out me.


Silly rabbit, free speech is for Citizens United, not for thee!!


The Fab Five can’t get any further to the Christofascist right than they already are, in their heads at least. They’d like a return not to the 1950’s but back hundreds of years where women were chattel slaves with no rights at all. The current ruling is just what they can get away with under the current system.

Anyway, I think the protests outside their houses serve a purpose. The consequences of what they’ve done will be remote and won’t affect them personally. This is personal. It lets them know people are pissed, right outside the house they live in. I hope the protests continue for years until we get a Federal law codifying abortion rights…


What would actually happen is that the union would be functionally dissoved. There would no longer be the basic agreement that we are a nation because we are a nation of laws.

The Confederacy would be actively segregating schools, restaurants, etc. again. I think you’d even see a few impoverished red states voiding the right to an education and ending public schools to save some money.

But, the first state to openly defy SCOTUS will have set off a nuke in the civil war that’s already ongoing.


If the protesters are forced to leave the homes of the justices, they could move to the headquarters of the Federalist Society. That way, they could confront all of the current and future conservative justices in one place.


Pro-choicers should have done this long ago. Women seeking abortions and doctors performing abortions have suffered worse. The justices should appreciate that the protestors aren’t using their new constitutional access to firearms.


I think the controlling fascist wing of scotus is already radicalized to the extreme. They may even decide next term that state legislatures can decide election outcomes instead of voting citizens. This after those legislatures have been gerrymandered into permanent fascist control by a minority of their voting citizens.


“It let’s them know people are pissed…”. Maybe. I get your viewpoint and respect it. But mostly I think it only further confirms their belief that half-plus of America is a satanic enemy that needs to be crushed. Just not sure it’s the most efficient use of people’s energy. Venting at them and fighting to beat them are not the same thing.

What’s the problem? The Supreme Court is oblivious to the public.


Especially if/when they decide to take a run at Griswold. What one does privately in their own home is fundamentally what is at stake.


I agree there is an opportunity cost because there are only a limited number of people willing to get out on the streets and protest, or do anything else like canvassing and other GOTV efforts. But presumably these are people within driving distance, or maybe even neighbors of the justices. So for those people, it may be the best way to demonstrate public opposition to the decision.


I’m sure it occurred to them.

After all, SCOTUS ruled that a 35-foot “buffer zone” around abortion clinics was an unconstitutional infringement of First Amendment rights.

This is a classic case of being hoist by their own petard.


Tough shit Supreme Court Fuckups. This is the environment you have created with your own decisions.

Enjoy it!


Perhaps someone in the administration should respond to Roberts:

Dear Federalist Society Lackey Roberts,
Someone from your office recently wrote to the Executive Department about an incident of drum-playing in a neighborhood near your house.
Recent rulings by you have resulted in thousands of additional weapons being circulated on the streets and are resulting in the murders of many Americans. We will accordingly consider your issue in due course.
The entire nation is in chaos over questions of women’s rights and the recent threats members of your court have made against gays and contraception.
Though precedent is now apparently not to be considered, people played drums since the earliest days of the Republic and certainly the Framers had drummers in their armed forces.
Also, in considering the “major question” of drums, it appears that Congress has not specifically tasked any agency with regulating the playing of drums.
I’m sorry that this response is not less helpful.
Joe Biden