SCOTUS Begins Its Term With Another High-Stakes Environmental Case


Strip away the danger caused to the country by Trump’s theft of classified documents, and here is a good analogy (from a friend) of what just took place.

"I am suing you for stealing my lawn-mower" - Trump/Plaintiff

"I didn’t steal the lawn-mower. I came for MY lawn-mower, because you never returned it after “borrowing” it " - DOJ/Defendant

"Can you prove this is your lawn-mower?" - Judge Loose Cannon, to the Defendant

"Yes, here is the receipt for it, and here are 13 videos and pictures of me using it on my front yard over the past 7 years. And I have 3 witnesses who will attest under oath that it is my lawn-mower, including Ms. NARA who was with Plaintiff and I when Plaintiff borrowed it." - Defendant

"Do you have any claim to this lawn-mower?" Judge Loose Cannon, to Plaintiff

"It might be mine, it might not. We think another judge of our choosing should decide." - Plaintiff

"Very well, I shall appoint another judge to decide"

"Do you have any claim to this lawn-mower?" Judge Lovely Dearie, to Plaintiff

"It might be mine, it might not." - Plaintiff

"The Plaintiff makes no claim of ownership to the lawn-mower here in court. Plaintiff brought this suit, yet refuses to make any possessory claim to the lawn-mower" - Lawyer for Defendant

"He shouldn’t have to make any claims to the lawn-mower, as it might be used against him in a criminal trial" - Lawyer for Plaintiff

"He is a former president, and it would hurt his reputation to have to make any claim to the lawn-mower. I rule that Plaintiff never has to make any claims in court as pertains to the lawn-mower." - Binding ruling from Judge Loose Cannon

“WTH???” - DOJ/Defendant

"WTF???" - 11th Circuit - United States Court of Appeals


Heard on NPR the SCOTUS will be hearing a case concerning “independence” of states with things like legislatures deciding who can vote, if a candidate will be chosen by the legislature and how votes are counted among other draconian powers. Apparently there is major push back on this from important folk in every state.


So, the “constitution-originalists” expect the present “non-activist” SCOTUS to revise the entire electoral system of elections in this country, giving the state legislatures control (overruling the wishes of their own voters), and ignoring nearly 250 years of precedent, without requiring those states to have to go through a constitutionally-provided-for amendment process?

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.


Nature always loses against the will of men and profit. Expect the SCOTUS to rule against any and all means of protecting the environment. OTOH, if you want to clear the inhabitants of the barrier islands around Florida all you need is a good hurricane.


One of these days Donald Trump will go too far! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I would lay odds on Nature to have the last word. I’m optimistic that Earth will be standing (possibly a dead planet, but nevertheless, still rotating around the sun) long after “men and profit.” :joy: to the world, but :cry: for mankind, flora and fauna.


Oh my Cthulhu! She confesses that she voted for the “Antichrist” Obama.

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US supreme court to decide cases with ‘monumental’ impact on democracy | US supreme court | The Guardian


Earth will be fine, humans are screwed along with millions of other species.


How about this - Judges that rule on the Clean Water Act can only drink water, or beverages made from the waters, of areas covered under the Clean Water Act, with no further filtering or treatment.

That should provide motivation towards the appropriate ruling.


I am reading Neil deGrasse Tyson’s new book “Starry Messenger; Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization.” A good, accessible read.

He says that more than 99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct due to natural events and global climate change – and the hazards of being part of a “killing” universe.


It will be roughly 7 billion years before the sun goes into its red giant phase and swallows the Earth, so there is time for biology to recover in most scenarios* where humans kill themselves off. We’ve wiped out huge numbers of species, but there are a lot more surviving and it won’t just be cockroaches looking to take advantage of what’s left.

*There are a few scenarios where we’d take everything else down with us, like runaway nanotech reassemblers (“Grey Goo”), or accidentally creating a black hole, so I wouldn’t count that prospect out completely.


I hope Democrats scream to the rafters on this shit, it will reinforce the “court will steal your rights” theme that came from Dobbs.

Between these cases and “Loose Cannon”, democrats need to make this election about the courts where we have no power.

We need to counter republican “Send Biden a message” campaigns with a “Send the unelected activist judges a message” campaign of our own


Apparently at this point it seems to me trump actually could shoot some poor soul on live TV video and sound shown nation wide as it happens and delay his way out of any consequence for the murder.


FYI: I hate mosquitoes with a deep abiding passion as one of those little bastards along a river in Southern Mexico bit me and gave me a case of malaria that took 5 years to be completely resolved. I see no good in that species. Too small to make much nutrition for a spider. And they are annoying.


It’s not nice to fool with Mother nature.


Because of course he did
Rick Scott Declines Six Chances To Condemn Trump’s Racist And Violent Rhetoric | Crooks and Liars


I do agree with you about malaria and mosquitos. My favorite uncle acquired malaria during the time he was part of the 1st Cavalry in the Philippines, courtesy of the WWII. His was relapsing for the rest of his life. Like yours. However, I don’t like DDT too much either. We now have the science and technology. Are we using it?

OT: My paternal grandad was also in the Philippines in the Cavalry during the war. Only it was in the 7th Cavalry during the Spanish American Wars. He was a farrier.

“You may think it’s butter, but it’s not…”


I got my case in 1991 on a river trip on the Usumacinta river. It makes the border betweem Mexico and Guatemala. I treated each recurring fever with a drug whoes name i don’t recall. It took 6 cycles every 36 to 48 hrs to beat it into submission. When visiting Jamaica in 1995 i relapsed and did 8 cycles that time. No recurrence since. It’s not like any other fever i have ever had. I could sweat like i am in 110 degree heat and at the same time shiver like it’s 32 degrees. And i had hallucinations. And this was the "weak’ version of malaria.
It’s nasty

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