Schumer Torches WH And Its ‘Minions’ For Attacking ‘People Who Tell The Truth’ | Talking Points Memo

That’s a valid observation to say the least. :100:


It ‘s all because Obama was actually born in Kenya.

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Let’s get real. Back when the Democrats were trying to pass bills to get significant funds injected to fight the virus, Trump, McConnell, and their enablers in the bizzarro universe were saying that all that was nothing more than a means of attacking Trump, so he’ll lose the next election!

I mean, play the clips. They’ll make an excellent ad for Biden. Perhaps that Republican group against Trump will put something together.

Everything that has been tried to get ahold of this problem results in an attack on the motives of those who are trying to help solve it. Obama wasn’t just criticizing, he was saying that things need radical improvement, and fast.


You didn’t hear Schumer say this, but if you’d heard him interviewed by Lawrence O’Donnell on The Last Word on MSNBC the other night, you’d know what he does have to say and you’d probably approve of it.


Oh, don’t worry, he’ll get there.

It must be tiresome for you, people being so predictable and all.


It is. But I’m mostly bitter that I never managed to turn that predictability into a Senate career.

Why oh why can’t there be more reporting from top Dems. Schumer, again, very strong and direct. I’m pretty tired of hearing about Fox, conspiracy theories and what the latest winger has done. It all feeds into the most hopeless feeling at a truly hopeless time in the world.
Once again, I feel I need to take a couple steps back from all of this nonsense.


Ok, I could get all wound up because I have lady parts - but that creature deserves it. Lying does that to you.

It’s been my complaint for a long time. You’d get the impression Democrats are lying down, lying low and just keeping fingers crossed and all there is is right wing world and their news and I I have to conclude it’s good for business. But the constant focus on right wingers and PP in particular by Big Media is what got him elected.

I personally get my news from NYT, WaPo and my local paper SF Chronicle as well lots of digital news websites. . At least one of them is deemed the enemy of the people not just by trumPP but by people here. But it’s where news from the left wing can be found.


Eating your own is never in season, however you’re going to hate it when he gets to be the next Senate Majority Leader when we get rid of Turtle, and it’s going to be Schumer this, Schumer that, all day, all night Marianne.


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Madame has lady parts, too—they’re just made of papier mache.
KreepyAnne Conjob is another whole story.


Sometimes I imagine the scene chez Conway at the dinner table with George fighting back against PP and Kellyanne rolling over in defense of PP

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they love living in their bubble. problem is, covid-19 says, “what bubble?”

The Republicans have nothing, empty tubs of dessicated guts and bile.

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

From The Hollow Men
T. S. Elliot

Watching the news this morning with a lot of lower level government officials below governor’s that is, claiming restrictions are unfair and people going out into big groups without masks. Be interesting to see if there’s a massive surge in people getting covid19 that final gets people to believe. Also makes me wonder where all this conflict between government branches and officials is going to lead.