Schumer Demands DOJ Probe Into Grenell’s Foreign Entanglements | Talking Points Memo

Where I come from, looking over your glasses signifies “I really mean it.”


In my house it means "I can’t get used to these fricking trifocals.:


There appears to be no consensus on the true meaning of Schumer’s body language. Or perhaps he really means it that he can’t see out of his fricking trifocals.

Let us get back to you on that.

45* is sad Epstein died because he wanted to put him in as the head of Child Protective Services.


Progressive lenses with invisible transitions between focal lengths work best.

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He concluded the letter by adding that “any illegal activity would obviously disqualify [Grenell] from serving as Director of National Intelligence or in any other position of public trust.”

So no Republicans in any position of public trust?

I’m down with that.

I have progressives and I still sometimes look over / under the lenses depending on what I’m trying to see.

Cc @moreyampersand @mymy


After reading about this Grenell fellow, does anyone else get the feeling this is akin to selecting Erik Prince for the job??

Or maybe Paul Manafort is the better comparison…? :thinking:

Well when Mama does it

you’d better do what she wants.


Barr to Schumer: “Nyet.”


Do people (besides you) care if Schumer looks over his glasses? Maybe so. I surely don’t.


Sorry, Chuck, there’s simply not enough evidence to open an investigation of Grennell. Stop believing your lying eyes looking over your glasses

I used to do that pre-cataract surgery, when I wanted to squint at really tiny print. Squinting doesn’t work for that anymore.

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I don’t really care, except I wonder how he can stand it. I tried the half-glasses and they made me nuts. But sometimes I use a pair of readers with giant frames and lenses, they’re good for reading in bed. Also I fancy I look like Gloria Steinem.


Doesn’t take Much, does it.

Heavily compromised men placed at important junctures of action…junctures which were normatively policed by tradition and informal strictures.

The genius about Trump’s handlers is that they decided to test the informal strictures and found out that they could run over and through them.

Barr and McConnell…and all the Rest

That’s pretty cool–an unregistered foreign agent as our Director of National Intelligence. What could go wrong?