SC AG Strategized With Big-Wing Conservative Lawyers On Suit To Overturn Election, Records Show | Talking Points Memo

All I know is, good luck collecting from all the defendants, should he win. I have no intention of giving him anything but a Bronx cheer.


Any time Sidney Powell’s name comes up in connection with the election, grab your wallet because you know she is lying through her teeth not to mention she is bat shit crazy.


Jesus’ sermons on political ratfuckery were shamelessly expunged by the bleeding heart liberals on the Council of Nicea./s


Yes, I enjoyed seeing these seditionists ending their sweet letters to each other:

“Thanks so much for all that you do!”

Like Goebbels or some SS fuck sending a letter to Mengele after he stitched two prisoners together for kicks. “Keep up the great work! You help so many people!”


So my confusion is that the BOE of Maricopa County has a majority of Commissioners that are Republican, they’ve stood up to Republicans in the state legislature.
Now in St. Louis County one of the Directors is Rick Stream, who has been elected to all kinds of offices and is a Republican. Haven’t heard a word out of him.
Then there’s my former MO state senator Eric Schmitt, now MO AG. The shit that he’s said and been up to since living fulltime in Jeff City is amazing. He used to not be this big of a douche.
I’m not so sure that back in the day all these MO Republicans listened to local hero Rush, but something has happened where they only talk to each other. It’s Groupthink personified.


We’re working on it.

Don’t you get a kick out of how Martin—a former chief justice of the NC Supreme Court, no less, and somebody who one would think would be completely at home with careful legaleze—tries to ingratiate himself with his fellow southerner as he pitches to the SC Attorney General: “a much-improved analysis addressing the issues and concerns that y’all raised when we spoke earlier in the week.” I wonder if he sent it over with an audio clip of Deliverance banjo music. Contempt would be too light a word for how I feel about such people.



Ya think? :smirk_cat:

At this point, Rudy Giuliani won’t even be able to practice law in Borat films.

— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) July 8, 2021

In case anyone doesn’t know…South Carolina’s AG, Alan Wilson, is the son of SC Rep. Joe Wilson. Daddy’s claim to infamy is his shout-out of “You lie!” to Barack Obama in his joint address to Congress on health care. South Carolina Republicans are the lowest form of bottom feeders that nature provides.


Meh. They’re not done trying. Failing a practice run doesn’t mean they won’t try harder and smarter in the future. And they will be trying EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTION. UNTIL. IT. WORKS.

And it will only have to work ONCE for it to be End Game. They do not under any circumstances intend to let it slip away a second time.


The voters will stop them if you can get the voters to turn out. Are you looking for a super hero?

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Maybe, if the superhero is one that isn’t afraid to call a spade a shovel and smack the GOP over the head with it.

There’s just such a fear and intimidation on a lot of levels with the Dems. Nancy is doing the best job, but I’d really like to see more pushback from the Dems and more calling out of the bad behavior on the part of the GOP and not just from Nancy.

F’rinstance, who in SC is going to pick up this ball on the Democratic side and start screaming loudly about disenfranchisement that’s actually happening to the SC voters? Who is going to start banging the drum on the laws being set forth (not sure if it’s happened in SC yet) where the legislature can now overturn an election result it doesn’t like with no provocation?

Yeah, maybe I am looking for a superhero. Or maybe I’m just looking for more Democrats to stand up to this nonsense and make the case to the American people that seems to be going unchallenged.

ETA: we need many, many more examples like the Texas Democrats who walked out of the vote, denying quorum, on the vote restrictions being voted on. Many, many more examples.


Hear, hear!

None of these are mutually exclusive


This man was actually chief executive officer of the US, charged with understanding and executing the laws, including the 1st Amendment.


Brown wrote

a topic on the minds of many, that being the so-called speculative nature of the number of votes in play that may be subject to fraud. [emphasis mine]

In poker jargon that’s an obvious tell. One doesn’t characterize a fraudulent vote as “subject to fraud.” A vote subject to fraud in Brown’s mind is obviously a valid vote that for some contrived reason or another might be useful as a target of trumped up allegations of fraud. All that’s needed is some perceived weakness such as the vote having been mailed in, say, by a registered black voter.

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And they shamelessly rewrote Jesus’ original command: “Do unto others before they can do unto you.”


Yes, they did and they even expressed some real disdain for some of the amateur theatrics coming out of the fraudit such as claiming that a database had been erased when it was actually the fraudster’s inability to follow directions that resulted in them thinking the data was not there when it was. Our very conservative newspaper has written multiple articles exposing what a joke this is, and the comments following these articles are running at least 3 to 1 against this farce. But the Republicans who hold state office (with a majority of only one) plus the full on crazy of the AZ GOP, headed by the certifiably insane Kelli Chemtrails Ward, are forging ahead full speed with all guns ablazing.

You would think there was no support for this insanity unless you went on to FaceBook or attended churches here - AZ is leading the way with outright voter suppression, laws already signed and in the books, and fraudulent attacks on the election that have a little something for every conspiracy minded nut job, from black lights looking for Trump’s secret water marks on legitimate ballots looking for bamboo in the ballots that were shipped here from China and added to the totals.

And when I find myself having even one second of grudging respect for the Republicans on the board who stood up or the governor who certified, I quickly remind myself that they are 100% in favor of voter suppression and anything else the crazies can dream up to retain power. They just don’t want the outright cheating to be in their little piece of the machine, they want it completed before they actually count the votes. It is much cleaner that way - for them. They don’t want to slaughter the cow, they just want to eat the steaks.