Sanders: ‘Not A Good Night’ | Talking Points Memo

Are you referring to campaign donations being diverted, or opportunities to make money that arise from having campaigned for the presidency?

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I guess I’m not sure which question you’re asking, but if it’s, “Do I think Bernie or Biden would make a better president?” it is most definitely Biden.

During this primary, Biden as built a strong coalition of Democrats bridging demographics that cut across party lines. Bernie just doesn’t have that, and has been losing at the ballot box. If he can’t win now, he’s not winning in November.

And as for the things I care about, Biden will nominate judges I can support, defend healthcare access, the rule of law, appoint a cabinet that isn’t full of toadying yes men, and on and on and on.


I was referring to the $$ he made after the last election, made him a millionaire.

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It’s repeated in a few different ways above, but if it wasn’t clear just ignore it.


His record with judges isn’t great – you don’t need me to cite the most obvious example – but if you’re comparing him to Trump, well, there’s really no need to do so!

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And for many who do want all or parts of it, they are pretty damn sure that Bernie couldn’t get it for them even if he were elected.

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You mean income from having written a book?

And is this the “gravy train” you think he’ll ride again?


Yes, I think he will try. I don’t think it is going to work out for him this time though.

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I heard about this on the teevee! Sorry nobody showed up. :flushed:

So when, say, Al Gore wrote his books, was he on the same “gravy train”?

How about Hillary Clinton’s book? Also “gravy”?


Hey, c’mon now, this is a Very Important Poster you’re tangling with here – if he does say so himself.

This one’s tippled with Hemmingway, lunched with Taft, golfed with Harpo, and gossiped with Hedda.

Why, just read his fascinating posts!

(29 and counting in this thread alone.)

Oh, the places he’s been, and the things he’s seen…

(Seriously though, I can actually picture him wearing that ruffled collar as he bangs 'em out shoeless.)


I agree with Van’s observation. I surely didn’t see it coming.


Worth repeating.


Never said anything of the sort.

Take your temperature.

While Miguel de Cervantes weeps in his grave at being so casually misrepresented and abused.


I am not sure why you seem so concerned about this. Why don’t you just lower the boom and tell me why I am so wrong and get it over with?

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I’d be impressed with anyone who kept company with Theodor Geisel

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Gore gave 100% of what he got from An Inconvenient Truth to client change advocacy and education groups.

Hillary and Bill - who left the White House $12M in debt for lawyers to flight off the great right wing smear machine, kept the $$$$.


New York’s literati gathered at the Algonquin to hear its tales.

Me? I just keep it on my Ignore list along with the other usual suspects.


This thread’s getting too contentious for my taste. I don’t like seeing people (I assume that you’re all people) whom I like being mean to each other.

I think I go to a happy coronavirus thread…


True. Yet it’s kind of telling that it took all of the establishment candidates combined to overtake Bernie’s momentum. Not to mention months of outrageous lies and slanders by MSNBC, etc.