Sanders: ‘Not A Good Night’ | Talking Points Memo

I just can’t forgive Montayg County for Montague. That one will never not make my ears and eyes cross.



And then there’s this:

From the article:

Biden’s dominance with the black vote has been the prevailing story of Super Tuesday and beyond, but on Tuesday, the former vice president also cleaned up with the suburban white voters who propelled Democrats to victory in 2018 — and who he needs to win a general election in 2020.

In doing so, he signaled he may be on his way to building the sort of coalition the Democratic Party will need to be competitive in the general election. And on March 10, at least, these three groups came out for Biden and helped bolster his claim to the nomination. . .
Whereas working-class white voters had propelled Sanders to his 2016 win, “This year, they have been his undoing,” tweeted Economist pollster and journalist G. Elliott Morris, adding Sanders was down about 30 points from 2016 in the Michigan counties with large numbers of non-college-educated white voters.


. . . with Neomi Rao.


Nah, Bill Barr…

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Too old.

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This speaks volumes and really is everything.


Understood, thanks, but it’s not the question @greysea’s remark brought to my mind.

It’s what I’ve been hoping for. This is what you call a coalition.



I believe I explained myself.

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They started a revolution and nobody came.

I suppose you’re referring to your explanation that began with “I don’t care.”


That’s your take on “the entire history of the world”?



I try to be fair and understanding, because it is a real bummer when your guy/gal doesn’t get the votes needed.

It’s also a real bummer when I feel like a candidate (in this case Bernie) is crapping on the people who didn’t vote for him. I wish that I didn’t think that.


No! Just this Bernie Sanders stuff.

You kids aren’t excited about voting for Joe Biden? Try having to vote for Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis.


I wish I didn’t think it either because I’d like to see Sanders have a viable place in the Democratic party going forward. I think it would be best for everyone if he did, and certainly Biden seems open to that too. But he has to become a positive productive force, not a gadfly.

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Agree. I wanted Liz or Kamala. Too bad so sad.

My number one concern is getting the country moving in the right direction again, and getting the nazis out of the WH. Biden is the best bet now to right the ship, let alone move the progressive agenda forward.

FFS, we’re taking on water and we’ve got a 30 degree list to starboard - bold plans for a progressive nirvana take a back seat to getting Commander Queeg off the bridge and someone in charge who can navigate us back to port. Only then can we begin to do battle damage assessment and plot the path to sea worthiness and beyond.

Oh - and I also believe Joe will take a firm hand and move the progressive agenda forward anyway.


There was more to it, but I’ll put it another way.

I don’t care because I think arguing about medicare for all responses is a waste of time. It’s like two Dr’s arguing about the proper eyeglass prescription for a patient who’s bleeding to death. We have to staunch the bleeding first and foremost. After that we can debate the best way forward on a whole host of issues. Not one of them will matter in the slightest until Trump is out.