“Going into South Carolina, Sanders was showing strength, having won New Hampshire and Nevada decisively and virtually tying with Pete Buttigieg in Iowa.”
I am hoping this was just poor writing and it will be edited. The way it is written, Sanders won New Hampshire decisively as well as Nevada. These contests are determined by delegate votes, and not by popular vote. By that measure, Sanders lost Iowa and tied in NH and won NV decisively.
But even if you want to be generous and say that he “virtually” tied Buttigieg in IA, then you have to say that a close popular vote and tied delegate vote in NH is “virtually tying” as well.
But you do accept the premise of the question? That Biden is still claiming that his ability to “get along with Republicans” is part of why we should vote for him?
Or is this a case of people making a big deal about something odd he said once long ago?
Because there’s a good chance that Democrats under the age of 45 will prove crucial in preventing former Vice President Joe Biden from winning — or even getting close to winning — the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Younger Democrats, particularly younger white Democrats, are emphatically rejecting his candidacy. That cohort is a big reason why Biden has struggled in the first three states and fallen from front-runner status.
In fact, age might be the most important fault line in the 2020 Democratic primary.
Never forget that the greatest gesture of being bipartisan is to do whatever the republicans want. Nancy and Chucky know that bipartisanship is the most sacred tenet in politics. We should all be grateful that Joe Biden embraces so many republican policies, so many conservative orthodoxies that if he wins, we’ll have the most bipartisan government ever; so bipartisan that it’ll be a glorious era of conservatism. Bernie makes the mistake of actually standing his ground for real liberal/progressive values and policies; and that is a huge mistake if he wants to be elected. If Bernie would just agree that billionaires are the best people to rule us, that for-profit health care is good for the economy and us, and that protecting the banking industry is “Job One”, then everyone would vote for him. Praise! Glory!
As a 59 year old white guy I doubt if the 10 late 50 year old white guys I went to college with and still keep up with want Trump in office and might switch to possibly vote for Biden or maybe Bloomberg. But no way in hell would they vote for Bernie or any of the other Democrats running. They would just vote for Donald and pray he does not run things into the ground like Bush did or worse.
It is rather easier to convince ourselves than others. And bipartisan is only a useful concept if and only if there is a Democratic House and Senate. Otherwise Republicans will continue to ratchet rat shit.
Wow less than 500k votes total! About 1/10 of population of 5 million total and 3.3 million registered voters.supposedly. Could find a number of registered D.