Rural Counties Consider an Alternative Type of Social Distancing — Kicking Chicago Out of Illinois | Talking Points Memo

We are fighting 4 Viruses:

  1. Covid-19 Virus

  2. Covidiot-45 Virus

  3. Greediot-52 Virus

  4. MAGAdiot-45 Virus

All told…they will be responsible for the American death toll even if they take no responsibility for it!


  1. Kushnevirus = newly discovered viral dual threat, common name Jarvanka - liable to get more Americans killed because of greed!


One of the Social Distancing that is needed in the US:


While this virus will hit larger, more densely populated areas first, it will come for rural areas too, especially because so many seem to think it doesn’t apply to them and aren’t taking the necessary precautions. My FREAKING AMAZING new Democratic governor comes on TV everyday at 5:00 PM and walks us through successes, losses, the numbers, and provides us with encouragement and hope (God, I love the hell out of anyone named Beshear). One of the things he also does is call out specific businesses, groups, churches, etc. and says, “You can’t be doin’ that!” He explains why stuff like “Coronavirus parties” are terrible ideas. The stupidity of the gatherings he calls out never cease to amaze me. They may not get it now, but they’re about to get an education.


This kind of moronic thoughts are not limited to right wing crazies. The basic idea is that the country side supports the cities, which might have been true in the pre-industrial era but now it is assbackwards. Some Maoists communists actually believed that cities were parasitic of the country side, so that is why you had the Khmer Rouge killing all city dwellers, and similar sentiments contributed to the Chinese “Great leap Forward” .

I actually grew up in a farm and I can inform this, the standard of living of the farmer varies a lot depending on what country the farming is performed, not how hard the farmer works, or if he has “protestant work ethics”, industrialized countries that can subsidize rural infrastructure and price support are the best places to do your farming.


And yesterday a new poster was saying just that here… :thinking:


That’s what our county judge has been doing here in Dallas CO since the first week in March. It makes me furious that we have been doing the right things and we’re going suffer because other parts of the state haven’t and see no reason to here in Texas, as well.


At this point, the GOP is "The Coronavirus Party"™.


" Rural Counties Consider an Alternative Type of Social Distancing — Kicking Chicago Out of Illinois"

"From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.


…and our governor is still acting like not a big deal.


O/T, but not:

There has long been a “movement” (since 1941!) in southern Oregon/northern California to create
The State of Jefferson. They have the usual grievances, etc.

Check out their proposed state seal:

Double Cross–Subtle!

Much as this article states (" And though Illinois’ secession movement — or, movements — isn’t exactly united…"), my observation is that the State of Jefferson “movement” is a loose amalgamation of the usual crazies, who, if they had to, couldn’t organize a picnic. Sad!


I live in Chicago. Periodically some shit kicking mouth breathers downstate say Chicago should be kicked out of Illinois. Then they see they would be broke, poor, and stuck with the majority of our state debt and they go back to moonshining and methamphetamine abuse and forget it.


There has long been animosity toward Chicago from downstate. I’ve lived in southern, mid and now northern parts of the state. Unfortunately, these downstate folks are not taking into account their close proximity to Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, and other red states that are all going to be the final blow up in this pandemic. They also don’t acknowledge the tax dollars from up north that have always supported the whole state. This is the same as how the dense, blue states and population centers support the whole country. (And, Dem policies and actions strive to support them, whether they want to believe it, or not.) If we didn’t have the propaganda and lies of Fox News, I wonder where this country might be right now. History will highlight what happened here.

In the meantime – Gov. Pritzker is looking out for you Downstaters – even if you don’t realize or want that protection.

Oh – and the “SCIENCE” you like to revile is the ONLY answer right now.


Over the course of the 21st century, the United City States of America created a vast network of social and commercial relationships that bypassed the decentralized Confederation of American Counties. While internal passports were never instituted in North America, the two distinct cultures went through a period of spontaneous skirmishing before adjusting to an uneasy accommodation that persists to this day.

Of all the Trump lovers losing in November, I will relish Susan Collins’ defeat the most.


Would a shipment of dildos help?


Krugman claims in past pandemics city’s that shut down fast tended to do better economically. This rural vs city thing is so fucking stupid. Folks we depend on both. Pull you head out of your ass and look at how things work. It’s not rocket surgery.


Wilhour, along with six other Republican lawmakers, sent a letter to Pritzker last week asking for . . . freezing the minimum wage for 18 months and implementing a sales tax holiday for the duration of the stay-at-home order.

It’s uplifting when you see that response to a pandemic gets Republicans to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions.


Rural Illinois resident here. They won’t believe it even after it hits. It will be radio silence until the next talking point is announced.

I tried to explain to 2 trumpers the other day that using the catch phrase “anti American Democrat” wasn’t a good strategy. Both have lost their working the parts counter jobs recently, and still can’t figure out why?


People of the land. The common clay of the new West.


My thoughts too. 12 congressional districts and 2 Senators? Yes please.


Beshear is awesome. Also, check out the Mayor of Prestonsberg in Eastern Kentucky, Les Stapleton.

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