Rudy Giuliani Asked Michigan Prosecutor To Hand Over Voting Machines In 2020

You’re welcome.

ETA: Full disclosure: my voting registration is in the county directly north of Antrim. I know this area and there are some real MAGA/Michigan Militia nutcases floating around the whole region. Half the time Goopers run for local office unopposed (although I have noticed that’s changing a bit) and their campaign stuff is all “God is great” (allahu akbar) and guns and shit (no surprise there). There was this little article in NYT this past summer – I have driven past these stands many times when I’ve been visiting my folks, and while I have bought stuff from both of them, I no longer go to Friske’s…


Yeah, that sounds legit, a private citizen asking for voting machines.

Since I know the GQP will howl “it is legit!”, can I anticipate this and ask, since it is legit to give away chunks of government apparatus, to have a piece of our military. Say a submarine with nuclear tipped warheads, or may be a squadron of fighter aircraft (throw in the personnel to run them too). Sure, and this is to hand them over to my “fully authorized team”.

Because one thing I have learned from the GQP, never think small.

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So the question here becomes - how is the process of non-incarceration for these types of actions a deterrent for younger and more devious perpetrators going forward?

Your positions on Rudy and TFG are spot on, and may well apply to many more perpetrators and schemers. How does this at least provide some modicum of deterrent in 2024 and 2028 to try this again?


“Society wants to believe it can identify evil people, or bad or harmful people, but it’s not practical. There are no stereotypes.” ― Ted Bundy


Look closely – that’s no regular Nosferatu, but rather a Nosferudy. It sucks hair dye, apparently.


Maybe not small. But definitely petty. Really, really petty.


I guess intent cannot be proven…


I know for a fact that this would shut down Disney World and the whole complex:

Ron DeSantis Signals He’d Be Open to Making Florida an Anti-Gay Hellhole | Vanity Fair


That photo of Rudy, grotesquely grinning as he attends the funeral of a fallen policeman and no doubt savoring how he will exploit the moment for political gain, is truly revealing of the man’s soullessness.


I would thank them even more if they hadn’t brought Trump upon us to begin with.


Is he going to shut down South Beach?


I’m sure he just meant to tuck in the voting machine’s shirt, not seize anything.


DeSantis is always going the extra mile these days, willing to cut off his face to spite his nose.


Giuliani called it “nothing short of mind-blowing,”

And so, kinda like what happened to my Dodge Dart when I pushed it too hard, it was thereafter blown.


Many of us tried not to…


IANAL. Seeing issues that have come up to undermine the election in different states and seeing that the Voting Rights Act is going nowhere, Dems should try to pass smaller bills that are specific to what happened after this election. One suggestion: a law regulating who can “audit” results in a national election - they must have a universal certification of some kind, a chain of custody for all ballots, be subjected to oversight for transparency and reveal funding source. This way, any audit in any state will be conducted the same way with the same expectation of honesty and accuracy. This audit nonsense will continue and worsen in the elections to come and the process needs more regulation and oversight. Once Arizona moved the ballots to an offsite location, the wheels came off the bus. It is still astounding that the Ninjas came up with a few more votes for Biden. We got lucky in AZ.

We probably cannot affect state elections but I hope that federal elections can be made more Powell/Giuliani-proof.


My daughter had a very close friend in high school who got thrown out of his house Senior year because he came out to his mom because she didn’t want him infecting his siblings. He lived with us for the remainder of the school year. (Epilogue - his sister later came out as well a few years later).

When he graduated, he left for Orlando and started with the Mouse in 2002. He’s still there and more than happy. Many of the workers for the Mouse are of the persuasion that InSantis wants to wipe off the map.


I wish he’d cut off his carotid to spite his neck.



Now, in my mind, he will evermore be known as Nosferudy. Perfect name for former Ghouliani.