RNC Makes It Official: Election Denialism Is Part Of Republicans’ 2024 Strategy

I’m starting to think I’ll just vote for people who haven’t had affairs. I don’t know if Biden qualifies, but I’ll wager he does.


I hate to say this, but after Chris Christie turned them down, No Labels is still in search of a candidate…


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Hear me out: Gary Busey. I’m not sure why, but I’d just really like to see what would happen.

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You might find someone who has never set foot in DC and vote for them. But, once they are elected to office and ensconced there, it might be slim pickins. Joe, probably, in earlier years. Obama, nope, although only before he met Michelle. And Jimmy Carter? Only lusted in his heart…

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Good … now drop the curtain
on captain underpants!

Publicly avowing the Big Lie is the price of admission if you’re gonna work for the RNC.

Trump wants to be seen as The Godfather? I think so.

I suspect he revels in the image.


You are correct that RepubliQans for a generation screamed about Communist Thought Reform" or some version of that. That screaming theme was the RepubliQan “go to” and it rallied the rubes.

So, what has changed?

NOT ONE THING - except, “Communist Thought Reform” is old bullshit that doesn’t work anymore so they have moved on to some NEW bullshit. Now it’s “the border is wide open”, “election fraud is everywhere and the Democrats are stealing elections”, …


Except that Trump IS running again and is the RepubliQan’s chosen one. Now it gets nuanced. And as we have seen repeatedly, any possible crack in the legal fabric can be exploited from here to the moon and every RepubliQan in office, in the electorate, in the churches, and in the judicial system will back it 100%.


Seeing as 40% of REPUBLICANS believe the election was NOT stolen, I think this is the dumbest thing the Trump campaign could possibly do.

Trump lost by 7mil votes in 2020. He needs to WIN OVER voters, not continue to do things to drive then AWAY.

At least we don’t have to ask who’s running that campaign. Everything’s coming from the top down. And the Trump-owned RNC will follow suit.

And he’ll lose even more votes, added to those lost due to (at least one) criminal conviction.

Trump can’t even count on Dems who say Biden is too old. They are saying that, because they want Trump to lose. They aren’t going to vote for him.


A tyrant always needs an enemy; or else why would any of his followers need a strongman?

So IMO, “stop the steal” is much less about the election and much more about the tyranny they want to impose after. They need an enemy to move towards no matter the actual results of the election.


The narcissist doesn’t see it that way. His world view should be that of every American. He honestly doesn’t understand, nor does he care to understand, that his world view is entirely corrupted by his self-love.

There are still some in the cult, but not enough to ensure his ascent to the Presidency by the vote. So he has to get out there and find other ways to make it happen and THAT, my friend, is where the danger is. The House is still a warren of election deniers and J6 direct and indirect participants. The electoral college is also possibly going to be corrupted by election denier SoS’s that could possibly send their own slates of electors, regardless of the State’s outcome.

There’re still a lot of holes he could exploit, but the whole thing revolves around his narcissism and the enablers he’s surrounded himself with.


Kinda toothless when it comes to forcing the R reps in purple districts to pledge to be purist MAGA RED & declare their allegiance to the big lie & Jan 6th …
Kinda too late to “primary” them out of the race.

But it may turn some purple districts very Blue!


Fuck that guy for so many reasons.

I hope his fall hurt as much as watching that debate.

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“Revels in the image”

You misspelled “revulses”.

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I hope you find just the right place for you. This is our retirement as well. We knew 5 years ago that Jan 2024 would be our retirement date, so we started our search back then for our perfect area. Narrowed it down over time and then bought the house last year and had brief visits but have been living here full time less that 2 months since retiring. So far it has exceeded our hopes.


May this be so. And I hope that holds true up and down the ballot. VOTE BLUE, and Act! Challenge the lies.


I think fighting the 2020 election result puts all Republicans at a big disadvantage when it comes to actually casting votes.

That is an advantage Democrats in all races have had since 2020 was that Republicans give themselves an election day whereas Democrats give themselves an election month.

By continuing to fight the 2020 election or otherwise claim it was the result of fraud is to oppose voting on other than election day. Therefore for the good of the country and Democrats running for public office, I fully support Republicans refusing to vote on other than election day.


“dumbest”… not necessarily… Trump’s narcissistic personality disorder and his formal, organized takeover of the Republican Party combine to suggest that Trump is not just doing job interviews… he is recruiting members for his cult. If you think about this news and combine with it with Trump branded Bibles and his active overtures to evangelicals you can’t help but see that these actions fit the pattern. Specifically, cults recruit by seeking out broken people. Every cult in human history creates unity and purpose within its ranks by requiring its members to believe in and actively support a common lie that actively defies society’s collective reality. The belief in this lie requires that the members be able to collectively and individually be able to suspend disbelief. The easiest way for a cult to recruit new members is for them to look for potential members that have a demonstrated weakness in their intellectual shields and would therefor be more open or susceptible to a new sales pitch.

So, if their goal is to build a ‘cult’ and not a ‘party’… Promoting the ‘big lie’ as the unifying pillar of the cult is not ‘dumb’ al all.

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