I wish one fucking reporter anywhere would ask these lying asshats one simple question - "Senator, if it’s your belief that life begins at conception, then can you please explain the difference between a 6-week ban and a 15-week ban? Is the embryo any less of a full human life at 6 weeks than it is at 15 weeks? And if you’re willing to go to a 15-week ban, then what exactly are you banning abortions for in the first place?
That, right there, would shut these motherfuckers up in a (fetal) heartbeat.
Senator Scott, with all the news coming in about Republicans taking political hits for their every-more extreme positions on abortion, can you tell us your current thoughts on the issue?
Well, Holly, you know I’ve always been very pro-life, I’ve signed every pro-life abortion bill that came to me as governor, and just a few weeks ago, very consistently with my past positions, I’ve called for the tarring and feathering of women who even think about getting an abortion, and the summary execution of doctors who even think of performing abortions. All very consistent with my deep and holy and god-blessed respect for human life. So now, with this news, and after thinking it over seriously, and praying fervently, and having some very serious conversations with constituents, I’ve decided that the best course going forward for me is just to lie. So, that’s what I’ll be doing now, Holly, lying. That’s right, my current position on abortion is, you know, until further developments, a lie. I’m as crazy as I ever was, Holly, let me tell you that, let’s be perfectly clear on that. I mean it, like, Martians giving me orders through the the fillings in my teeth crazy. Just like always. Only now I’m lying about it.
Rick believes that being re-elected to another term in the Senate would be a Good Thing. He believes a few other things, too, but none as fervently as the first.
Thank you, again, to the Guardian for covering US politics better than American “journalists.”
Without a forced-birth rightist to manufacture a 10-power, diamond-loupe-magnified, computer-enhanced image with what amounts to a dot Sharpied-in where the “eye” is supposed to go, nobody even knows what they’re looking at. Even pro choice people are shocked, because of how pervasively the forced-birthers have lied to us all and been allowed to get away with it.
Rick Scott as CEO said he he didn’t know about the Medicare fraud. That makes him the worst CEO in history or a liar or both. Regardless he walked away with millions and into GOP glory.
According to babycenter.com the prospects for viable delivery are now “reasonable” as early as 22 weeks - but there is a big caveat - odds of survival get better the longer you delay.
Before 23 weeks, a baby’s rate of survival remains low, even with interventions: only 5 to 6 percent.
At 23 weeks, the rate increases to 23 to 27 percent.
At 24 weeks, a baby’s survival rate reaches 42 to 59 percent.
By 25 weeks, the survival rate is as high as 67 to 76 percent.
Rick Scott is practicing medicine without training, license, brain, or good faith.
[edited for grammar]
My wife is a Professor of English, and consequently she teaches four section of English Comp I every year. She has a standing rule about topics for the final essay (which the semester builds toward): students may not write about any of what she calls “The Three Deadly Topics”. Those are:
Capital punishment
Gun control.
Why not? Because these topics are already so over-written students don’t have the time, tools, or ability to do proper background research, and second they are emotionally fraught areas. She wants to teach them how to research a topic and make up their minds about it, not how to conduct research to confirm their existing biases.
So I don’t have a problem if 325 million people who aren’t entitled to a scientific opinion are told to either shut the fuck up or go learn something before they start pontificating about infringing on the freedom of other people.
Or as my wife puts it, “If you think abortion is murder, that’s fine. You shouldn’t get an abortion. But your thinking on the matter should not make decisions for someone else.”