“Misprision of felony” is failing to report a crime that has already been committed. I would be mildly surprised if anyone has been charged and convicted of it in the U.S. within my lifetime.
Do you honestly believe that Trump’s base isn’t already fired up? The key to winning elections is firing up your own base, not worrying about whether or not the other side’s base may or may not be fired up by:
- Doing your job.
- Being a leader.
Beyond that, beyond the political calculations, the Congress has a DUTY to hold the president accountable for breaking the law, Mitch McConnell be damned. Make the case directly to the American people, complete with evidence, and the American people will act accordingly.
(It seems like Mitch McConnell has the easiest job in Washington. All he has to ever do is say, “Boo!” and Democrats wet themselves into inaction…)
Oh Richard you are SO adorable. These turds don’t believe in ‘ethics’…
You are right. I had misremembered it as having advance knowlege of a crime to be committed and failing to report it to authorities it when one has a special duty to do so. FWIW, one of Tsarnaev’s (boston marathon bomber) friends was charged with it, pled out to a lesser crime.
Painter’s right.
Impeach Trump and let McConnell block a trial. Then pound every Republican 24/7 with the charge that they failed to do their job.
Harass McConnell 24/7. Picket his house. Get his phone number. Jam his cell phone. Have a crowd accost him wherever he goes. Keep the pressure on that traitor!
African or European shambling?
Do they do the s**thole shamble at your family weddings too?
The Unspoken Joke defense:
A. I never said x.
B. I was joking about x.
C. You can’t blame me for x.
I get the part where nobody is laughing, but otherwise it doesn’t make much sense.
And don’t get me started on ambling.
Preaching to the choir.
Painter has been a Never-Trumper from the get-go.
Also, the WAY that Trump gives his orders is to muse out loud about something, and let his underlings figure it out.
The old; “Will no one rid me of this troublesome Priest?” type of order.
Just like the Mob Bosses he has so admired and kissed up to for decades.
I like “shambling”, works perfectly - how the fat fuck moves from point A to B. It ain’t “walking.” He’s so f’ing annoying in so many ways.
Where to begin about Trump’s lawlessness & criminality?
For this particular criminal act…
Misappropriation of funds
Dangling of pardons
Violation of property rights act…
BUT for the self serving OLC memos…it is time for someone to challenge the memo (and yes, we know Senate Congress will NOT decide to impeach Trump = Faustian Bargain) because it was just an opinion and NOT in the USC that the president cannot be indicted on criminal matter, only in civil!
Truth be told, following the OLC is putting Trump above the law and makes Trump desperate to win the election to keep his get out of jail card!
“What 21st century culture has introduced is that nothing is really serious. And that is an interestingly dangerous idea,” said Snyder. “Because if nothing is serious, you can have this ambiguity where you can actually be doing something very serious, but you’re pretending not to. And you can always fall back and say, well that was just a joke, because everything is just a joke. But of course you don’t really believe that everything is just a joke, or you wouldn’t be promoting fascism, or white supremacy or whatever it may be.”
Brings back memories of bush the lesser’s habit of walking with his palms facing backwards. It just looked so weird.
And the way both of his arms swing forward and backward together really drives me nuts.
I am VERY anxious to hear more about the Russian oligarch co-signers of his loans from Deutschbank.
I can’t remember who but someone said there were 7 of them.
Oh, it was @marymaryquitecontrary
It was in rawstory
I’m thinking that Miller is also responsible for the great idea of unilaterally denying all deferred action requests without hearings, hauling critically ill children out of their hospital beds, and deporting them to countries without the medical care to keep them living for just a little longer. “Pro-life,” you know. The man is the epitome of cruelty and evil.
“Hey, I may have authorized torture and private company contractor wars, but taking personal property to build useless wall is just plain wrong!”