The trump method this time is hiring the worst he can find as long as they’re ass kissing loyal. That way he can dominate the government cuz neither justice nor Congress care to do a goddamned thing about it. Congress is out of DC for this week because they’re lazy fuck offs and don’t give a shit about power of their own they should be defending. Justice sits placidly on their thumbs. Trump and his lackeys have beheaded the government. It’s now an authortarian fascist dictatorship.
1450 days left in this term.
Kennedy just lumped the rise of autism diagnoses with other food-related problems like obesity and diabetes, when it’s more likely that it’s due to an increase in identifying symptoms. There is no consensus on what causes autism.
Trump is not hiring anyone. Proj. 2025 (Heritage), Miller, Musk, and some other “cabaliers” are. RFK jr, like Trump himself, is a distraction. Trump, to borrow a phrase, is a “human autopen”.
“Let him have his hearing and then we’ll go forward. I can assure everyone that I will vote in a way that is best for Rhode Island.”
I thought RFK, Jr. was nominated to head a federal agency where he could do nation wide damage, not a state office where the effects would be localized.
Kennedy addresses high health care costs.
They will go down when enough people die from chronic disease epidemics.
Oh, boy! I am so looking forward to summers where the iron lungs begin humming, and paralyzed children are all over the place. Make America Sick Again!