I would enjoy seeing the Republicans suffer with debt ceiling fights. I seriously hope it stops some very bad behavior from the incoming administration. Later it can be repealed.
Ahh yes, 1929. After winning a (real) landslide electoral win, the patrician Herbert Hoover, joined by his eleven-year Sec. of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon, went on to oversee the greatest economy in the history of the country. No Democrat ever got elected after 1929–end of history.
Rewrote two versions of this and my better angels told me to can it…
Two years ago I would delete one in ten or twenty, now I think I’ll trash five for every comment I let stand. It’s not that I’m angry or bitter, and half of them were worth a chuckle, we all need a fn laugh…
It’s just that I’m ANGRY AND BITTER!
I often find myself telling myself; “you don’t have to post that.”
Republicans are holding a balanced, more effective, bipartisan immigration bill.
I’m surprised at their silence about their #1 campaign topic. It’s an easy win. Is it possible Republican Party politicians don’t understand politics?
Republicans will always find someone to hold hostage- they can’t help it. This is how they’ve governed for years.
I have no problem eliminating the Debt Ceiling - after Jan. 2028. Before then I think it is political suicide. The Democrats should make ANY cooperation on the budget or Debt Ceiling contingent on a guarantee of NO spending cuts on SSA, Medicare, Medicaid or ACA subsidies. Trump will need to cut Defense and / or DHS to fund his tax cuts for billionaires.
I’m seeing a lot of chatter about " guarantees " over SS, Medicare etc etc… But why in the world would anyone think such guarantees would be even the slightest bit reliable ? They would fly in the wind thru some reference to National Security or such and the Clown Car would roll on off the cliff…
Sadly true, at least at the national level.
My better angels all walked off the job first thing in the morning on November 6th and haven’t been seen since.
I’m so glad to read that I’m not the only one.
No way Trump wants a cap on debt. He’s licking his haddock-like lips.
Most of the time it’s jackassary.
Other times it’s meh.
Some times it’s; “I’m alive and I can prove it, found a window put a brick right through it!”
See also: escaping pet rocks.
A GOP guarantee is worth exactly the turd it was written with.
“Accordingly, all intended nominees should refrain from any public social media posts without prior approval of the incoming White House counsel.”
– The Trump administration, 2024
Donald Trump Orders Set of Sitting Ducks
To be fair, they are all quacks…
No, not a useless factoid. A good reminder.
Wealth gained (as always) through labor (labor includes more than big muscles – managers labor, too) that exceeds its immediate use value can be invested in the future. That wealth, when accumulated in one place or sphere, is called capital. Who controls that capital and how it will be dispensed and distributed?
Radical socialism places the capital in the control of everyone, “the people.” Turns out that managing capital under this extreme plan leads to autocracy and lots of others with bad odor.
Maybe a compromise? Regulated capitalism? Enter socialist democrats. Lots of stripes there. I’m searching for a place among them.
I do that all the time. I may seem to talk here a lot but, jc, the things I refrain from saying. I think that’s the course to stick to.