Yeah, the only thing they are “shaken” about is the fact that it’s come out.
You think they’d be learning…but willful ignorance makes you blind, deaf and dumb (the latter as in “stupid”, not as in “mute”)…
Yeah, the only thing they are “shaken” about is the fact that it’s come out.
You think they’d be learning…but willful ignorance makes you blind, deaf and dumb (the latter as in “stupid”, not as in “mute”)…
Some will try to get away with it because they’re not up for election for another four years. They think we’ll forget until then.
The position here needs to be to take out who we can in 2020 and then do it again in 2022. At the very least, the GOP in the Senate is de-fanged.
Did you see the SNL sketch this weekend? They’ve got her voice and inflection down perfectly.
Oh please, I really hate these headlines and stories. Show me any evidence that any GOP senator (or voter) would vote against Trump or the party. They’re not ‘shaken’, they are slightly annoyed that people won’t shut up about this, that’s all.
Each of the Republican Senator knows that Trump is corrupt and guilty. But to keep their supporters(The MAGA morons) happy, they will continue to keep the guilty evidence out of bounds.
Shaken, huh? Guess the only answer is to make one of those cocktails that requires muddling.
Sorry, but you’re never going to find 4 Judases in that crowd. Amazingly, they’ll find 3…the 3 most endangered…but Pence will unblock that tie and somehow we’re back to square 1.
They’re gonna need those drinks in the Senate today - disguised as milk or water (vodka can be made to look like water, too).
I hope you are right, but fear you are not…
stole the words right outta my brain!
No. Then again, I haven’t watched SNL since the late 70’s or early 80’s.
Honestly, I don’t see anything but his demise being the end point. No one is in a position to do anything about this guy. All we can do is wait for revelation after revelation to come out. Enough are on the edge that I think we can get him outta here in November. That’s really our only hope.
Keep it comin’.
They’ve learned. All they need to know. Through intimidation.
They were shaken, but not stiirred to action. More lucyism.
So career diplomats’ testimony wasn’t enough during the House hearings to shake up a few GOP Senators? It takes John “Captain Crunch” Bolton’s new unpublished book that states the exact same thing as the career diplomats to shake things loose?
Bolton has the GOP Senators doing a whole lotta shakin’…
And now I’m hearing Michael Bolton doing Jerry Lee Lewis as a slow ballad. Damn my associative mind!!!
It will go on until the Trump base voters turn against Trump, which won’t happen absent Trump declaring he’s going to take their guns away. McConnell and the others only care about power and money, and won’t do anything until the votes turn definitively against them.
This weekend’s cold open was hilarious — Dershowich has a heart attack and goes temporarily to hell where he meets up with former clients and others, including Moscow Mitch who is just down there for a sauna.
Very Clockwork Orange of you! I think they’ll go for it. There used to be (may still be, for all I know) a place in Manhattan called Korova Milkbar, just like the book/film, which made surprisingly drinkable dairy-based concoctions like that. But they seemed like Democrats to me.
Pence has nothing to do with this trial. Tie breaker would be Roberts.