Mitt Romney’s dog on the car roof comes to mind. Only this would be a hapless flunky hauling the dog on an Uber. Or something.
I am waiting for the editorials that ask whether something as mundane as this warrants the political blowback of canning the State Department IG.
Yes, please.
You won’t get that from the WaPo or NYT, unless they figure out how to bothsiderism it.
I won’t scale the pay wall for either of these, so …
RUFUS THOMAS - Walking the Dog (1965)
Pompeo’s campaign song?
Hillary never would have gotten this far. The Republican (at the time) House had ALREADY begun drawing up Articles Of Impeachment against Hillary in October, 2016.
If the EC had followed the popular vote, the Republican House would have Impeached Hillary no later than April of 2017, and she would have been Convicted and Removed from Office on a straight-line Party Vote in the Republican Senate in June 2017, along with VP Tim Kaine, who would also have been Impeached (for something, something) and removed from office, thus elevating Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to the Presidency.
That was the Republican Plan, with Donald J. Trump creating and headlining “Trump TV”, a further-to-the-right version of FOX News, bankrolled by the Oligarchs on Wall Street (and Russia.)
Anyone besides me wonder if this aid doing stuff for Pompous is a young attractive woman?
…Linick had been investigating Pompeo allegedly ordering a political appointee to run personal errands for himself and his wife, including dry cleaning pickups, making dinner reservations for the couple, and even walking their dog.
Folks gotta understand this is just kinda the expected outcome of the party’s platform and patronage hiring.
The leadership’s view is that when you take this kinda a job in this administration, you kinda become of your supervisor’s bondsman.
You know, like their serf.
Complaining about it is really worse than ‘a racket:’ it shows a lack of gratitude.
Obama is in for a tough re-election battle.
I meant HRC as SoS.
Walkin’ a dog ? ? ?
Or you could just make it “Pompeo**'s** Allegedly…”
That’s good. They’re scared. Obama handled H1N1 and Ebola, with extremely minimal losses.
Having those contrasting data points is not good for trump.
Yes a nice little ad pointing out to the good people of Kansas that employee DW is paid X amount of money so they can run errands and walk Petty PompousAss’ dog.
The aide was probably happy to do it. It’s part of the job of being a Russian asset.
A straight-line in the Senate would not have been enough. Removal from office by the Senate requires a 2/3 vote, which would not have happened.
Right, here are your tax dollars at work. The person involved is probably getting a salary in six digits, which is astronomical in rural Kansas standards.