I like that someone pointed out that Trump now has a lower % of the vote than Romney did in 2012. That needs to advertised loud so Trump hears it.
“Investigations … in perpetuity”
The Trump family put the “perp” in perpetuity.
I don’t get it. If Trump surrounded himself with “the best” people, by definition there is no need for a pardon. The Trump family: Putting the “fun” back into dysfunction.
FAKE NEWS! Tweets coming right up. The con artist has such a limited pallet.
So he is above the law after all! Only in America!
I’ll pick Door Number Three for “Consciousness of Guilt,” Monty!
He must be specially worried about Jared and Ivanka. Kushner most likely has committed a death sentence worth of crimes making them the new Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
This is from a Josh essay this morning. No reason to not stick this in
["Last night, fresh off his pardon for past crimes, retired General Mike Flynn endorsed a call for President Trump to suspend the constitution and declare martial law. It came in a tweet in which Flynn tweeted and endorsed a manifesto calling on President ‘to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote.’
There’s a lot more awful stuff in the declaration. But that quote, I think, includes all we ever need to hear: declare martial law, throw out the results of an election you lost. In a democracy, this is essentially sedition, a call to overthrow the state.
In 2015 and 2016 we saw in Gen. Flynn a man of extraordinarily bad and reckless government married to vast personal, venal corruption. Here he shows us again this is who he is and remains."]
As part of the pardon quid pro quo, Iwanka will not have to pay back the $700 K/year of tax breaks that the Trump Organization gives her in exchange for the fake income tax receipts for serving as Skanky’s bedroom advisor.
Pardoning the whole clan (and, probably, himself). Could there possibly be any better way of saying “We’re a crime family”?
Yup. Pardoning Blondie ought to kick start her run for POTUS, as this is how crime families roll. Perhaps someone should tell them that pardons don’t make your past disappear—like a miracle?
But you can count on Ivanka’s legal team screaming “no double jeopardy” and endless noise like that. That is the Trump strategy as taught by Roy Cohn … litigate … relentlessly … even baselessly … never stop …
Since the vile Ivanka’s most likely criminal exposure appears to in the great state of New York, this will do almost nothing for her. Lock her up!
You bet. Now there are reports that all of them applied for PPP loans and GOT them. Wow. What a bunch of crooks. I cannot wait for his term to end. We still do have some good judges in this country.
Please let this BLOW UP … huge … such that it becomes virtually impossible for Trump to grant any pardons … because they would be so corrupted and tainted that they would not stand up … and anyone with sane legal advice would turn it down.
Eric? What, stupidity is a crime now? I wish that were the case, the whole lot of them would do life.
Needs to be repeated…for the innocent.
I believe that move is called “the Full Mussolini.”
ETA: I think this text from Flynn is one of the most remarkable sentences I’ve read in years.
“Today, the current threat to our United States by the international and domestic socialist/communist left is much more serious than anything Lincoln or our nation has faced in its history - including the civil war.”
49 days left. He still has lots of time for blood-curdling, bat-shit crazy…
Yes … “never give up” is an excellent motto when pursuing justice & freedom
But it becomes quite repugnant when it is the operating style of oppression & abuse… the approach of one with a power / financial advantage