Report: Trump Agreed To Condemn Insurrection Only After Being Warned Of Potential Criminal Probe

After inciting a mob of his angry supporters to attack the Capitol, President Donald Trump attempted to backtrack on Thursday night by posting a video of him woodenly acknowledging his electoral defeat and denouncing the violent insurrection-but he reportedly only did so in an attempt to avoid potentially being held legally accountable for the riot.

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Maybe people involved with the planning of this, like his new team at the Pentagon, are starting to talk and cut deals? I know, I know. It sounds nuts. But we are deeply in nut territory.


You can’t un-incite sedition Donny.

Just saw this too.

Next week!? Should not be allowed to stay another goddamn minute. Out. NOW.


Considering the glacial pace at which congress moves, this is lightspeed.


Ummm. That won’t stop you from being charged with a crime - and convicted.


I know. Just pissed off. I had argued on the 6th, that impeachment should’ve happened immediately after the certification of Biden’s win.


CNN is reporting that impeachment articles will be voted on by Wednesday. I imagine they have to reconcile the different articles being proposed. Ben Sasse has already gone on record as a yes to convict, so that’s something. I saw that Rep Jackson Lee introduced a laundry list including a lot of Russia/2016 items. I hope they cut it down to the illegal phone call and incitement to riot. Anything else is just muddying the waters, and the riot is the only one likely to bring conviction.

Remember, we only have 48 nominal dems in the senate. Warnock and Ossoff won’t be seated until at least Jan 15, after Ga certifies its vote.


Everything is about benefiting DJT. He can never be held responsible for anything. It amazes me that Kerry lost a presidential election because he said he was for something before he was against it but this asshole, along with the entire republican party, have done 180s for the last 4 years on nearly a daily basis. Hang that MF. He incited rioting that resulted in murder and manslaughter. Again. The death of the Capitol policeman should be put directly at his feet and he should be pounded with it for as long as it takes in honor of the policeman.


And under the bus they went, hehe.


“The demonstrators who infiltrated the capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy,”

Thus, Trump starts down the long, lonely road of self-redemption.


Next week?? Flaccid response.


Is he gonna roll the dice on the dubious legality of a self-pardon? Or roll the dice that Pence hasn’t moved on to considering his own career?


Who gives a flip what he was forced to say or that he said there will be a peaceful transition. Peaceful transition, too late for that you fricking criminal. If Pence is too much a chicken to invoke the 25th, start the impeachment process now, not next week.
Yes, he’ll be in the Guiness World Records as the only POS impeached twice.
I am still so livid about all this I can hardly type.


Continue to humiliate the motherfucker.
The only thing that makes a lasting impression.


No different from a mob boss who gives an order to take someone out and then says that hit-jobs don’t represent the America we all know and love.

Hey, why do comparisons between Trump and a mob boss keep coming up? That’s so … random.


The Under the Bus Trump Tour coming to a Red state near you.
It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s free.
When you see the bus coming down your street all you have to do is wear your MAGA hat and anything Trump, and lay down in the middle of the street.


Yeah. This timeline we’re on has been deeply “nut territory” for quite a while. Shouldn’t there be a reset button or something? I prefer a humanity that progresses, not regresses, depresses and keeps creating these messes.


There’s a process for everything. If they skip any necessary steps in the process, you can bet your ass some senators will claim that as their reason for not convicting, and we need every repub senator we can get. Warnock and Ossoff won’t be seated until at least the 15th.


He’s toast. Burnt orange toast. DJDT and his idiot girlfriend and Mark Meadows too.


Perfectly predictable.

He only did it to try and save his own ass.