Report: State Dept Quietly Released Ukraine Aid At Bolton’s Orders

Top candidate. She’s got that whole “I object to his methods but support his goals” tone of this person.


If it’s going to be a comedy as I think it should be, I’m going with David Spade or Kristen Wiig.
Or maybe the guy who plays Putin.

Try some Deep Eddy Grapefruit Vodka.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. :rofl:


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The department reportedly released the aid after White House lawyers found that Trump and the Office of Management and Budget could not legally delay it, a finding the lawyers had made earlier in 2019. According to Bloomberg, the lawyers detailed the finding in a classified memo to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

White House lawyers squandered what little credit they may have deserved for warning Rump of his obligation to faithfully execute the laws of the United States, by deliberately abusing the classified information system to cover it up.


Might make the most sense but doesn’t really resemble him.

I thought that felonies and misdemeanors were sort of mutually exclusive. In fact, Merriam-Webster’s first definition of “misdemeanor” is: “a crime less serious than a felony.”

But wasn’t Bolton’s move also illegal? Is this why he some are saying he wants immunity from Congress?

Hard to believe Ukraine would have ever received aid, given their vulnerability to shakedowns and Trump serving Putin.


You’ll have to ask someone who knows Alabama law about that. I just quote the source.


Thanks for the Tennessee Williams shout-out … now that you mention it, Trump would run the Moon Lake Casino into the ground.

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I bet you never saw that coming!


Gosh! I didn’t think that one could get any lower than those creeps. :wink:


It absolutely should not be a comedy lest it normalize and diminish the seriousness of this aberration. Nothing even vaguely resembling Veep or even Dave. There shouldn’t be anything lighthearted about it (although some irony will be unavoidable). That will be for later, revisionist or ironic treatments a la Jojo Rabbit or MASH. We’re not ready for that yet. OTOH, it shouldn’t seek to be wax figurine serious, either. That’s also deadly. I’d take Network as a model for how to handle this. Superficially funny but actually not at all. Tragedy masked as farce, like the rise of Nazi Germany.

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That’s good news … you can make it anyone you like!

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His power to skulk in peoples’ closets shall not be questioned!


Bolton and likely others in the Trump maladministration still see Russia as an adversary as most normal people do.


Oddly I have wondered that about the Whistle Blower. I know everything references this person as an individual, but can a group file a complaint in these circumstances. I almost envision a Murder on the Orient Express effect going on. Would be a definite plot turn.


I didn’t see “felony misdemeanor” in your source.

Perhaps you meant “felony mischief”?

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