Biden should start co-opting all of Trump’s language about witch-hunts.
Thanks for the correction.
Barr, more than even McConnell, is the person who is keeping 45 from being behind “Barrs”.
Wow, now they’re leaking their concern. Alrighty then Sen. Susan Colli… I mean Burr.
More than people like Hawley or Cotton or Ernst or Rubio or Cruz…Burr doesn’t act the Kray Kray so much.
We can only hope…backfire is just another characteristic of Republican ‘concerns’? ‘unintended consequences’ and ‘blowback’.
Yeah, dey sure ain’t got no shortage o’ dat chootspah. Dey’s a million laffs, too.
Somewhat off topic.
Not a lot of credibility left here.
Bingo! I have often suggested that Dems start using the Republicans’ own slanted, poll-tested language and memes against them, and directly quoting them when advantageous. After all, nearly every accusation the Repubs have made is based on projection: it’s what they are currently doing/would like to do themselves. I think a lot more of this should have been done during the Impeachment Trial. But nobody has ever listened…
Too funny. Putin doesn’t even have to DO anything except watch the USA lose it’s electoral composure at this point, so frazzled and dysfunctional is the collective brain of Our Esteemed Intelligence Community. Everything we do just Makes Putin Smile. There is no escaping Doing Exactly What Putin Wants. Or so they would have us believe.
i’m not even sure they’re up to speed on just-plain consequences.
Obama gave Bush and the Republicans a break by wanting peace and hope.
If the Democrats take control will they continue on that road?
I may believe it when they sign affidavits to that effect.
Louis XVI is concerned that the people might find the price of bread a bit off-putting.
Perfidy is a leading indicator of guilt.
“Wrong” as in illegal or “wrong” as in unethical?
Burr last December:
“There’s no difference in the way Russia put their feet, early on, on the scale — being for one candidate and everybody called it meddling — and how the Ukrainian officials did it,” Burr said as he and other Republican senators spoke with reporters around their weekly lunch on Tuesday.
He’s the leader on the intelligence committee. He was pushing Trump’s Ukrainian theories a couple months ago.Why do I question his sincerity?
Very doubtful.
Oh, they’ll never admit they were responsible. But at least a few of them will have a quiet moment of inward reflection and secret regret that they will, depending on how the election goes, either carry silently for the rest of their lives or write a book about in 2021.
It was the kind of harmless corruption that we can all understand, surely.