Report: Dems Paying Out Of Pocket For Extra Security Measures Back Home Amid Rising Threats

So, slightly off topic, but we’ve all seen MTG wearing her “Stop the Steal” masks. Has anyone thought of making masks that say “MTG: Steal the Slut” or “MTG: Stop the Slut”?

Now that would be fun.


Too insulting to sluts.


Welcome to the land of the free . . . and the violently deranged.


I was jealous at the start of Trump’s maladministration there would be reporting on members of Congress, both parties holding in person town halls. I was also jealous of people protesting outside their member of Congress office. Before Trump got elected the was an attempt to protest Ann Wagner. Her office is in a small office park, on a cul de sac that has no sidewalks, and in a building where there are other businesses. The landlord sent the cops. The protesters couldn’t protest on the landlord’s property which meant they couldn’t go inside, couldn’t stand in the parking lot, and since that there is no sidewalks what was left was the street. And that is against that city’s ordinance.
Then during the first part of Trump’s administration Ann was pissed that people picketed outside her church, on the sidewalk in front of her home. And this she considered harassment.


I have one foul word that is like bile in the throat that sums this up: Trump.


So our tax dollars pay for Trump to be protected and pay the salaries of GOP elected politicians who don’t get vaccinated and don’t mask up and who use their office not to govern for good but to stir up antidemocratic anti-American violence that causes Dem leaders to have to pay for their own security. This is some country we’re living in these days.


These are brownshirt tactics, pure and simple, and must be dealt with as such with criminal prosecution.


And throw in the slime-ball Lee Atwater.


I, Kevin McCarthy, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. Not.


Yeah they are. This is the epitome of fascism - lawmakers afraid to do their jobs because of threats of physical violence.


Exactly what I wanted to say. There need to be consequences. Don’t let the brutes have a monopoly on fear.


I’m sure that it has occurred to various armed-to-the-teeth MAGA types that a few well-placed shots at Democratic senators and reps could wipe out the narrow Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress and hand both bodies back to Republican control.

Democratic members of Congress need to

(Finishing the thought, cut off by accidentally hittting SEND): Democratic members of Congress need to be super-cautious in a dangerous time like this.


Until there is a legal definition of - and appropriate charges to - “domestic terrorism”, we’re left with an ineffective hodge podge of miscellaneous charges that won’t stick. Random bits and pieces of different laws will continue to be completely ineffectual in dealing with what they are doing.


To the optimists, I apologize for the pessimism I’m about to drop here. This quote by birdford is accurate but doesn’t tell the whole story. I fear that by the next presidential election, Constitutional Democracy, as we currently know it, will be gone. The GQP will already have control of the Senate and House after the '22 mid-terms, and enough voting restrictions will be in place to either insure a limited turn-out in Dem held locations, or the “auditors” will have control in enough places to ensure any vote total will show Trump (or designated successor) the winner. Once they have full control again, their first order of business will be the investigation and prosecution of any of their “enemies”. The orange shitgibbon began the process of politicizing the DOJ, it will be fait accompli when the next GQP candidate takes over.
Why am I certain of this process? Because the history of the Democratic Party is that the people who occasionally vote every 4 years essentially forget what happened in the past. The Dems won’t get the turnout they need in the mid-terms and by the time the Presidential election rolls around, it won’t matter if they do, they won’t be invited to the “counting party”.
Based on my projection of the imminent demise of our Constitution, I’ve pretty much settled on a move out of country prior to the '24 election.
Many of you are likely chuckling at my prediction. Maybe I am wrong. But I hazard to guess I know, and talk to on a daily/weekly basis, a lot more R voters than most posting here. Four of the 6 immediate neighbors bordering my property are still strong supporters of the orange man. It is a cult of personality and the incident at the Capitol did nothing to dissuade them from that support, because they will never, ever, ever believe it was his fault. Most of them still think it was Antifa in costume.
When your average “Jane” is convinced the government is to blame for all ills and that only one person can “fix” it, they are ripe for authoritarian rule.

If you think it’s going to get better, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn…

I really, really hope I’m wrong, but I’m planning for the worst.

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I’m not going to get too specific in public comments but my rep did something incredibly stupid a few months back when the wave of anti-Asian violence started to peak, basically making it way easier for the sorts of sociopaths and psychopaths who do these things to attack them and their family.

If anyone wants more detail, and we “know” each other here and get along ok, PM me and I’ll be more specific. I was going to call their office and tell them about my concerns, but I was afraid that they might think that I was a concern, so I didn’t.

Anyway, NOT blaming the victim here, but we’ve all got to be careful these days, if we’re not lily-white QPublicans. Everyone who’s not is getting attacked, and I definitely fit some of the profiles of folks they’re going after.

Of course what they’re really upset over is the real and perceived relative loss of race and class privilege that they came to take for granted and assumed what rightfully and naturally theirs. Duh. They go out of their way to make it seem like it’s not that, but everyone including them knows that this is what it’s really all about.

They’re white racists and rich fucks who think it’s all about them because they’re white and maybe rich, demand to be treated better because of it, and are both furious and terrified that this is slowly becoming no longer the case (although we still have a LONG way to go before that happens). That’s IT.

When they say “Freedom” and “America”, they mean the freedom of Americans like them to lord it over everyone else because they’re who they are. Trump was going to stop this trend and roll back the clock, not unlike how Buckley, Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan were going to. It’s always been about race and class to them and always will be.

But they’re at the point where they can no longer secure their privilege politically, even crookedly. At this point, violence may well be their only way to do it. And so I’ve no doubt that they’ll increasingly resort to it. I hope Biden and Dems realize this and take all appropriate steps to prevent it from getting out of hand. Because they’re prepared to do literally everything to stay in power. EVERYTHING.

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