In other words, leave it to Vance and James…
You could pass out cigars to all of them, and there will still be division. Dump got it ramped up and continue it will.
I voted for Biden twice, once in the California Primaries, and again a couple of weeks ago.
Holding my nose, because of BS like this.
He supported the 1994 crime bill, but bringing the orange baboon and all his minions to justice, well, he’s reluctant.
Remember he kept us out of the war (until 1917).
I agree that it’s not a decision to be made by a president-elect; or even a president.
Biden can be as “privately worried” as he wants to be about the cost of justice – but he should probably shut up about it.
Whereas if he does not shut up about it, or if he thinks the DOJ should cater to his private worries and political woes, then how different from Trump is he in this regard?
So, Trump can commit crimes while in office and avoid prosecution due to Presidential immunity. Then he can lose the election and have the winner recommend immunity for him when he leaves office.
Sweet gig.
If we can take him at face value, this will sure help the GOTV efforts in 2 / 4 years.
If Biden stands in the way of justice, he will need to be primaried.
If Biden stands in the way of a proper DOJ doing its job, then the statement “No one is above the law.” is nothing more than a meaningless platitude.
We’ll know the fix is in when Biden offers Letitia James a position in his administration.
Um, “no one is above the law” has been a lie for about 5000 years.
OK, but if we’re going to look at this as a matter of strategy, then let’s do so.
Does Biden’s making friendly noises compromise his Justice Department and his AG – even before that AG is in office?
Even before that: If you were Biden would you pick an AG who is aligned with, or indifferent to, your “private worries”? And would you be offering Trump a deal as we speak?
At the moment , this is a bit of a hostage drama … remember hostage negotiators say a lot of things to defuse a crisis…
If prosecutions aren’t pursued the next R presidency will be the end of our democracy.
They will become so emboldened they won’t care about anything but raw power.
He’s not going to offer Trump a deal. I agree that his pick for AG is going to be key. But let’s not forget that without the Senate, it’s very doubtful he’d be able to appoint a more aggressive AG (or any AG at all for that matter). Biden knows that. I really think he’s just trying to calm the waters right now.
of course if I’m wrong, I’ll grab a pitchfork with the rest of you.
But two hundred and fifty years of American politics indicate otherwise.
Just to take one trivial example: If what we’re seeing is Biden’s unwillingness to fight Republicans even when simple justice is at stake – was this unwillingness visible in his forty-plus years in office or is it a complete surprise?
Trump has by and large successfully avoided responsibility for his actions his entire life. There’s every reason to believe he’ll go to his grave continuing to do so.
If Biden nominates someone for the AG (or any) position and McConnell refuses to even hold a vote, Biden should just swear in the nominee and go from there.
Messaging fail anyway you look at it. But first of all, take it as political talk, not meant to be taken at face value. What Trump has done will almost certainly force Biden’s hand and bring about the need for a special prosecutor, and he knows it. All he had to say was that he’s not an investigator, his job is to get things moving forward and do the will of the people. If evidence of crimes that needs to be addressed on a federal level emerges, then he would expect an independent Department of Justice to do so. End of answer.
I’m pretty Trump won’t leave without doing as much damage a sitting president can do in the next couple months unless he can be assured of no meaningful prosecutions or penalties.
It’s the only leverage he has, he will use it.