Rep. Joe Kennedy To Launch Primary Challenge Against Sen. Markey

Whichever way it goes, it will still be a D. However, I’d feel better with someone in the general who has a long record over a kid who looks like he still uses acne medicine.


Why not? Well, Markley is the Senate sponsor of the Green New Deal. I think Kennedy´s really tone deaf, or overcome with privilege. There is no compelling reason to prefer the younger man, other than his name is ¨Kennedy¨, which is pretty weak tea at this point.



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As a resident of the Commonwealth, I wholeheartedly support this challenge.

To those who think he should, “wait his turn” did you say the same to Rep. Pressley? And if you didn’t, please advise the difference.

Go Pats!

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Joe’s polling probably should have included more than his thousands of cousins.

And? These aren’t lifetime appointments. He’s been a Congressman for a few years, wants to compete higher. I don’t understand the vitriol.

Should AOC have waited her turn for an empty slot?


Kennedys are royalty in Mass. Gotta bet on the Kennedy.

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AOC was running an insurgent campaign from the left against a corporate sponsored centrist. Is Kennedy significantly to the left of Markey, if at all? Is there some sort of taint on Markey´s record?
Of course, anybody can run against anybody else. I just don´t see the why this is going to improve the D brand, unlike, say, the race against Lipinsky.


No taint that I’m tracking, but frankly, hadn’t heard of Markey until this first came up as a possibility, and I’m fairly aware of things, so that indicates to me that he’s one of the backbenchers, plugging along, doing I’m sure a good job.

Wouldn’t hurt to have youth and energy in there making waves.

I’m not calling one over the other, I’m questioning why people are so dead-set against him even running.

If these were to be lifetime appointments, then there wouldn’t be an election every 6 years for the spot.


From February:
# Markey and Ocasio-Cortez Team Up on Green New Deal

Seems to me he´s doing right as a Senator.


And your point is? Sure, the guy may be doing great things. Again, how does that mean that he’s entitled to a lifetime appointment, and that nobody is allowed to challenge him until he decides to retire.

Only the Judiciary Branch has that privilege.

The voters will decide.


Oh, FFS. I never argued about that. I argue that it´s stupid politics, IMHO, to go after a decent progressive pol just because it´s somehow your turn. What are Kennedy´s policy differences with Markey? Do you have any idea? I sure don´t.


I don’t know their differences either. I’m just willing to see them play it out, and not pre-emptively say that Kennedy shouldn’t run.

Sorry, but if you never heard of Markey, you are not following things. He has been a major liberal player for decades— he’s just not a self-aggrandizing publicity showboat, unlike your average Kennedy.


Don´t feel so bad. I still think he´s a flake for going after Markey.

Even if he believes in vaccinations.


May the best candidate win. But it won’t be Joe Kennedy.


And that is absolutely fair. I have no dog or interest in this fight, only think that it should be allowed to play out as it will, without the sense of entitlement to lifetime appointments that don’t exist.

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I’m generally as a matter of principle in favor of a full-scale generational overhaul of the Democratic Party from the bottom up and the top down. That said, Markey is among the very best of the geezers and it does smack of Kennedy nepotism. I guess I’ll have to trust MA primary voters to scrutinize Kennedy’s record and decide just as if he were any ordinary Joe.


After the parties involved spend a lot of resources in a primary fight in a bluish state. Those would be better used elsewhere.