Readers Chime In #7

Originally published at: Readers Chime In #7 - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A fairly vitriolic note from TPM Reader JD … Just to be clear, I was absolutely on team Biden is the nominee and anything else is crazy before the debate. And I’ve tried to be measured in my emails since, but I’m kind of reaching my limit with the Ridin for Bidens. So this is for all the readers…

I definitely get the rage. I sometimes wonder if they’ll load some boomer’s brain into an AI in 20 years so that they can still rule over the rest of us when they’re all dead. I’m not a young man anymore but it seems my generation and even the one after it are still at the kiddy table. If you shouldn’t be president at 34 you most certainly shouldn’t be president at 86. Kamala has got this.