READ: Judge Told He Should Sentence Flynn, Deny Request To Dismiss Case | Talking Points Memo

In my view, most American locales that are fun to live in have more than their fair share of … free-thinkers. Some of these people are inspiring while others are, as you say, more colorful than exemplary.


Dunno why Vladdy would give a shit one way or another.

One the risk of impeachment was past, there was literally no reason left to not pardon them.

The only thing that people bring up, the possibility that the pardon takes away their 5th amendment rights to not talk about it would only apply in an investigation. Barr ain’t taking up no investigation. And absent a pardon next year, they’d have only more incentive to cooperate with authorities.


Harsh. Very harsh.


What was he thinking? It’s certainly treason, if only in a colloquial sense.
We saw photos of him dining with Putin and Jill Stein. He was trying to get that Turk kidnapped and shipped to Turkey, certain torture and death. For money, I presume.


Yes - I’ve never seen this much shit happen in court around a guilty plea - the defendant waives all of this with a guilty plea as a rule.


When i was teaching, the college required that we give a written reason for giving a student a grade of “F.”

My standard statement, which went into their permanent records, was “Too stupid to drop class.”

I hasten to add that the only people I ever failed were the ones who didn’t attend class.


No one in the current administration of course is going to charge him with anything, but if he is pardoned and he lies or refuses to answer questions at some point in the future, he can be charged with perjury and/or contempt of court. If all goes well then this administration only has about seven months left, so we may not have to wait too long to see how all this plays out.



Funny. I only ever had to drop two classes (overloaded what I could do one semester, with a full-time day job) because it looked like I could be at risk. And dropped both right when I could just have an incomplete. Re-took them later and did fine, but didn’t want something dragging me down too much.


Fess, maybe in your circle, but the rest of us aren’t like you.
Heroes don’t get paid, their only recompense is enhanced character.

Thought so. Same with me…


But it he doesn’t pardon them, then on January 20th all of them have every incentive to turn on him and start singing… So why he doesn’t just pardon them now makes no sense to me, could at least try to buy their silence.


What? Did I forget to add the /snark/?

I think his hesitance about issuing pardons is tacit admission that they all know there’s a good chance he’s going to lose. Maybe they would have greater incentive to cooperate under a Biden administration, maybe not, but without a pardon they can’t be forced to cooperate. From Trump’s POV, they’re all already either doing their time or looking at very little of it in the first place. It might just make more sense to protect himself personally and wish them good luck.


Wasn’t Trump’s sadism one of Thunderclap’s reasons?


I got into a graduate level linguistics class and to this day I don’t know how they let me in - I was an undergrad, about sophmore level I think. I had to drop that bitch - it was so over my head. The professor had written the text and it was like algebra. He was a Wittgenstein linguist and I was so lost.



Why? Most of these cases have already been adjudicated. Manafort is at home on house arrest, what reason would he have to want to reopen his case and potentially expose himself to more time? What incentive does Flynn have to want to reopen his case?


The term pretzel logic was invented to describe linguistics classes.


That sounds exactly like a philosphy class I took. The entire class was about making arguments out of, basically, wingdings. I dropped that class so hard.

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