READ: Judge Told He Should Sentence Flynn, Deny Request To Dismiss Case | Talking Points Memo

That doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t allow for the possibility of the president pardoning an innocent man. (Obviously in this case that is not an issue as Flynn as guilty). The innocent man would have to perjure himself and admit guilt to a crime he didn’t commit.

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True. Trust me on this. If it ever happens, the GOP Senators and the popinjays at Fox News and the rest of the wingnut-sphere will find a way of justifying it, and Trump’s approval rate would drop maybe a point or two…

Which is why I want RBG to outlive McConnell by a week.




I argued this in my online comments, but the Trumpflunkies insisted the other way.
Judge Sullivan deserves credit for his exemplary standing up to bully dictatorship.
There are some that will not cave.


Followed shortly thereafter by the indictment and conviction of the Attorney General.


Yeah, positing a conspiracy to murder a federal judge in which the U.S. Marshals Service is a co-conspirator . . .

It’s not Q-anon level, but you can see it from there.


" Gables banged and Gleeson’s Got 'em!"

From the NY Times:

Mr. Gleeson, who had co-written an Op-Ed article calling into question the legitimacy of Mr. Barr’s intervention before Judge Sullivan appointed him, offered a blistering critique of that rationale, saying “no federal prosecutor worth her salt” would adopt the “legally unsound” conclusion the Justice Department put forward.

If what the NY Times writes is true, is it really so surprising that Gleeson came to this opinion? Sounds like he was chosen beforehand because he had this opinion.

O god. At least. I would prefer that she live forever.


After he pardons him, Chiselin’ Trump will double down by replacing Pence with Flynn on his re-election ticket.


Yeah, she’s the best, but somehow, I don’t think she’s going to make it, to be honest.

Even if he has to wear the orange jump suit for not so many as one day, this atheist will reconsider his position on the guy up in the sky.

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I just want her to make it to January 21st.


Now if SCOTUS rules as they should on his taxes, it could be close to a knockout blow.

I’d feel better about that if the House’s lawyer was a leeetle more effective in making the peoples’ case.

She has to. She really does.


I think she’ll make it through to Jan 21st, at least. She’ll do it on pure willpower, if nothing else.


And then compare Flynn’s “martyrdom” to George Floyd.

I thought that comment was waaay offensive and low. But you were referring to Dumpf. So, strangely, your comment wasn’t offensive enough.


Aren’t these the same thing?