READ: FSB Allegedly Coopted Mexican Researcher Into Spying On Government Informant | Talking Points Memo

Surely, you mean a Kafka novel.

For Sure, Bro.

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That “backware R” has the sound of ya in Russian.

That reminded me of this stupid bitch:

Fuentes’s alleged Russian handler purportedly told him not to take a picture of car

Now there’s some gonzo reporting right there

Two of us. Field agents always have a hidden minder keeping an eye on things.

Just another day in the workaday world of Russian espionage. I mean, seriously, that’s what this is. Including the part where the FSB (which is supposed to be limited to domestic counter-intelligence and internal security) isn’t supposed to be engaging in foreign espionage but is institutionally incapable of handing off an operation like this to the GRU or the SVR the way FBI would (routinely if grudgingly) hand an op off to CIA, when the ostensible counterintelligence purpose enables them to encroach on the other agencies’ turf.

But that aside, this is how human intelligence works and what it looks like, day in, day out hundreds or thousands of times a year. Russia’s three main intelligence agencies have three to five thousand “illegals” working in the U.S. at any given time and they still mostly operate by the “anything goes no-limits except the gentleman’s agreement not to kill other intelligence service agents” rules the Checka inherited from the Okhrana and passed on to its successor organizations.

And all major foreign intelligence services are, in their own ways, just as nasty when it comes to willingness to mess up the lives of ordinary people who put themselves in compromising positions. The CIA has some limits, both legal and cultural, that Russia’s agencies don’t (e.g. we don’t use actual agency agents to bait honeypots) but that doesn’t make us nicer. So, except for Russia’s growing penchant for brazen wetwork, I tend not to get outraged by other nation’s spying and roll my eyes when people get outraged about ours.

But people do need to understand that the prospect that members of Congress and senior government officials, up to and including Trump, have been compromised and are working for Russian intelligence agencies, it’s not just throwing around insults. Compromising members of Congress and elected officials, and tracking and getting at rising politicians early, is a crucial mission for them. It’s a thing we try to do as well, but the problem is that we are far more vulnerable to it than the Russians or the Chinese are.

And so when you look at Lindsay Graham, his obvious physical deterioration and the edge of hysteria since his abrupt flip flip, the more subtle change in attitude of the Moscow 7 and yeah, I’ll say it, certain highly visible politicians and “journalists” with long-standing ties to Russia, yeah, it’s not “McCarthyism” to suspect they’ve been compromised.


I guess the FSB must pretend that they are busy spying on the US, otherwise their budget will get slashed. But the reality is that anything the Russians want to know they can get it through the moron in the WH, and now that they will be controlling US intelligence agencies via Richard Grenell they will have a real-time stream of intelligence. I guess they will still need to verify the information, but otherwise they could just focus the FSB to those countries that the US agencies ignore.

And before anyone says that what I am saying is ridiculous and and over the top. Raise your hand those who don’t believe Trump would pass highly sensitive intelligence to the Ruskies if it benefits personally. Now, raise your hand those who don’t believe that Grenell wouldn’t obey Trump orders? Finally, raise your hand those of you that you don’t believe that the GOP Senators and the rightwing media is going to find a way to justify outright treasonous actions.

Isn’t it odd how we can have ‘one’ idea of a person (based on the Jimmy Stewart movie) and the person’s reality is SO DIFFERENT?

PBS had a Secrets of the Dead or something about Lindberg which went into this and there is a widespread suspicion that Lindberg had his son ‘kidnapped’ to put him in a ‘home’ because the child was developmentally disabled and, well, LINDBERG WAS A NAZI-SYMPATHIZER who believed in eugenics.

It was a shock to me to find out about the other family.

I mean Murder on the Orient Express was based on the Lindberg-baby case and the family in THAT was just the nicest-bestest people EVER.

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Are you sure it was Murder on the Orient Express that was based on the case? Because it’s not one family that are traveling on the train.

And it wasn’t just one other family - it was two. I had also thought that the ‘master race plan’ was our sides propaganda - but it turns out it was true. Not only did Hitler give medals to non-jewish women who had 10 or more children, he actually did find ‘pure’ women to breed with his soldiers. I only believed it after reading two accounts from GIs who encountered these ‘creches’ while they were fighting their way through Germany.

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If you delve deeply into the history of the 30’s and 40’s, you will learn that there is almost nothing we said about Hitler and the Nazis after the war that wasn’t true, and very little we said about them during the war that wasn’t true.

The Brits faked up a propaganda movie of Hitler doing his “Victory Jig” at the French surrender out of what was really just a couple of gleeful stomps. The plan to replace Christianity with paganism was more aspirational and long term fuzzy than reality, the plan actually put into effect being to suppress Catholicism and take control of the protestant churches and pervert the doctrine. The stories about making soap from concentration camp victims on a mass scale didn’t happen and instead they “only” developed a process and “only” did it on an experimental scale–because, turns out you can’t make soap out of people you’ve been giving less than a thousand calories a day. And oh yeah, they were a conveniently unavailable scapegoat for Stalin’s atrocities in his half of Poland after the war.

And sure, the carpet chewing rumors are difficult to nail down and most of the stuff that was said about Hitler’s sex life is unverifiable hearsay but at least is sourced to people who were in a position to know what they claimed to know.

Other than that, it’s all true. The worst shit you’ve heard about them is all true and whatever you’ve heard, there’s worse shit you probably haven’t heard of. The monstrous human “experiments” at Auschwitz, the lamp shades, the SS creches and Himmler encouraging unwed women to have Waffen SS babies and married SS men to knock up ten women before they go to the front, the kidnapped children from occupied countries. The mass sterilization and mass murder of the disabled.

The six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust and the at least five million Roma, homosexuals, Slavs, and Russian POW’s machine gunned, starved, gassed or just worked to death in in the Holocaust era.

They are still the ultimate warning to mankind that no one is more dangerous or capable of greater evil than people who know, with absolute certainty, that they are absolutely right.


I have read deeply into 30’s and 40’s history. I only read history and non-fiction books.

The family in the ‘original case’ were the Armstrongs, the father was a war hero and his daughter Daisy was kidnapped and murdered by Ratchett. That was all based on the Lindberg Baby Kidnapping. Christie ramped it up by having Sonia (the mom) pregnant and dying in premature childbirth along with her child and then Armstrong killed himself.

Yes, different, but based on the Lindberg Baby Case nonetheless, just reworked by Christie to have TWELVE people taking revenge on Ratchett.

I did not know Lindberg had TWO families in Germany and I did not ever know he was such an SOB. The more I know about him the less I like him.

Everybody on the train was somehow involved in the Daisy Armstrong kidnapping and its aftermath.

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Yes, he was very into blood purity and Aryanism.

The story on a PBS investigation was that the son was developmentally disabled and he was being put into a ‘home’ but something went wrong and the kid died.

If any of that is true then Lindberg was involved in the murder (actual MURDER) of Bruno Hauptmann.

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