Radio Host Gets Dragged Over Suggestion To Build Robert E. Lee Statues To Own The Libs

I hate the word “woke” in the political context. It’s stupid. I hate it almost as much as I hate those hate-addled rightwing assholes who spend their whole lives dreaming up ways to stick it to the libs.


How high can you build a monument out of nothing but bullshit.
I read your posts and love and respect you. :crazy_face:

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Hey, if the racists want to build racist statues and place them on their racist properties, then it’s their right to waste their money in that way.

We can spend our money wisely educating kids against racist beliefs and behaviors. Eventually the racists will diminish, their properties will be purchased, and those statues recycled as scrap.


why not put up a bunch of Obama statues?
that will twist there undies up to there throats.
just put the idea out there would be enough. lol


Maybe it’s time to retire “left” and “right”. Are terms based on where Deputies sat in the French Parliament in the late 18th century really the last word on how to describe ourselves? Since the right supported the King and the left wanted a Republic where would Robert E Lee fit in that? The Confederacy was a Republic so was he on the left?

Considering that it’s taken a modern day pandemic to end the handshake (a medieval ritual between two knights clasping sword-hands to demonstrate that they aren’t about to gut each other), I wouldn’t hold out much hope for ending something that, while perhaps equally without significant reason, is only a couple hundred years old at this point.

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I think it’s A-OK if conservative groups want to spend money to make more Robert E. Lee statues.

They can all end up in some weird statue graveyard like all the statues of Stalin in the former Soviet republics.

As long as my tax dollars aren’t paying for it, and it’s not on public land, go nuts.


The “ressentiment” response wins the internet for today for me…epic.

The guy’s entire shtick is hate-radio and hate-Tweets. “Oppose, obstruct, hate and be as cruel as possible solely because they are “the other” and cultural resentment is the center of my universe.”


Well, to be honest, THAT would certainly own the Libs!

(Though I prefer more abstract pieces)


I’ve long thought that Stone Mountain needs to have bas-reliefs of Grant, Sherman and Sheridan added;
preferably after erasing Davis, Lee, and Jackson.


The top pic looks like the ghost of Jim Nabors. Did Gomer make corporal?

yes by the time he got out of active duty …
and then eventually made sergeant by the time he finished his reserve duty .

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A great start. Variety is best. Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hubert Humphrey, Martin Luther King, Isaiah Cunningham, John Lewis, Nancy Pelosi, Frederick Douglass, and so forth.
And civil war heroes: George Thomas, Wm. T. Sherman, and U.S. Grant, the woman whose name I can’t remember who spied for us in Virginia …


Elizabeth Van Lew?

ETA – Bought this for my wife’s birthday, and she loved it…


And George Thomas, a Virginian who chose his country over his state’s secession. The Rock of Chickamauga.


I’d have replied sooner but first I had to buy the Kindle version. Thanks!

Elizabeth Van Lew?

I still don’t remember her name, but I think I have a book about her on my Kindle, waiting among my yet unread ones. I hope to live long enough to finish reading all of them, but I keep getting distracted by things like TPM, NYT, and WaPo. If my sorry short-term memory allows, I’ll let you know.

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How about we cut straight to the chase and build statues glorifying whoever was prime minister during the Potato Famine?

Or we can just erect just as many statues to Sherman, each with an eternal blowtorch, just for funsies.

Hunh. I always thought he’d have much bigger moobs. Maybe he should consider implants?

What now? The Great Revolution set the terms of the modern world, and the terms are still apt and good. Goodness, what a very strange thing to get in a twist about.

Are you a troll?

Jeannette Rankin. Let’s put up statues to a pacifist so devoted to the cause that she voted against entry into both world wars.

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