Many brave hearts are asleep in the deep so beware, beware
Added bonus for that little ditty - my dad had a deep voice and he used to sing that song to me and really go all the way down on “beware beware” and crack me up when I was a kid. Thanks for making me think of that.
Kim Jong- un’s brother.
Absolutely. That he is apparently going to survive is a welcome piece of news for today.
They say that the Skripals are living in New Zealand under new identities. Does anyone know if they are actually fully recovered or still suffering permanent damage?
That nerve poison is some wicked stuff.
As can be seen with other organophosphate poisonings, Novichok agents may cause lasting nerve damage, resulting in permanent disablement of victims, according to Russian scientists.[76] Their effect on humans was demonstrated by the accidental exposure of Andrei Zheleznyakov, one of the scientists involved in their development, to the residue of an unspecified Novichok agent while working in a Moscow laboratory in May 1987. He was critically injured and took ten days to recover consciousness after the incident. He lost the ability to walk and was treated at a secret clinic in Leningrad for three months afterwards. The agent caused permanent harm, with effects that included “chronic weakness in his arms, a toxic hepatitis that gave rise to cirrhosis of the liver, epilepsy, spells of severe depression, and an inability to read or concentrate that left him totally disabled and unable to work.” He never recovered and, after five years of deteriorating health, died in July 1992.[77]
It’s doubtful Alexei Navalny will ever be the same.
It is. I’ve read that the intent was not to warn but to kill him so Putin fucked up and good.
Yo ho Yo ho an idiot’s life for me
Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Out Of Coma And Responsive After Poisoning
Is anyone working on a vaccine for fifth floor windowing?
I love how some idiots on twitter are saying Antifa somehow was involved in sinking those boats.
There’s a lot of stupid on the R side.
Let them think antifa is that good. Suits me.
Unless you’re in the international arms trading business, you’re unlikely to ever see “made in Russia” on anything. Even then, arms traders are just as likely to hide the country of origin of their death instruments.
Good news. Fingers crossed for Navalny. All of them.
They do sell some cheap, crappy camera lenses here and in Europe.
The lens is pure shit, btw.
Trump humper at work told me last week the bikers ran Antifa right outta Sturgis. If I were to ever see her again I’d tell her about the 250,000 cases of covid as a result of their stupid fucking event. However, I doubt I ever will.
Now 2 people have to die - Navalny and the person who failed to kill him the first time. Authoritarian dictators’ work never ends.
I’m waiting for Trump to rationalize it by saying the US poisons people too.
It’s coming. Just wait.
Accidents don’t count do they?
And here was another unforced error among the Trump faithful.
Meet Trump campaign Director of Strategic Response @FrancisBrennan mocking Joe Biden for visiting the grave of his late son who is a US military vet. It's not just Trump- it's the entire Trump team that hates our veterans! #TrumpHatesOurVeterans
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) September 7, 2020
You are mostly correct about Russia but in 4 visits each to Irkutsk and Khabarovsk I found those two cities to be quite livable.
But the other 38 Russian cities visited including Moscow were shitholes.
I was a popular fellow who helped bring their extractive industries up to Western standards of efficiency so I endorse your analysis in that regard.
I wasn’t counting them, nor slow poisoning via chemical leaks or radiation.