Even better is when they are nearly life sized - my neighbor makes something similar out of old water heaters and 55 gallon drums, turns them into grills.
This is one of the strangest things I have read about this psychopath’s delusions. What standing does TFG have to demand anything of the Pulitzer Board? Why did they even have to respond?
Well! At least they would earn their keep as grills! More like hibachis at that size, I am afraid.
I tried to domesticate this one, but it got bored with me and left.
back to listening to COC
Trump has repeatedly denied that Russian interference helped him
Traitor in play sight.
Russia, if you’re listening…
And for the last 5.5 years, we all have been in the target zone.
Why the f*** is the Pulitzer Board responding to that feces-flinging jerk’s generic narcissistic grandstanding? It “commissioned independent reviews”? Seriously, wtf?
Rage or Syphilis?
This is another case of Trump losing when there is a genuine “reality check” of his claims. This is fairly par for the course where Trump is concerned.
Sadly, we can be sure that his supporters won’t pay this the least amount of attention.
Perhaps because they knew what the outcome would be and felt a need to say “fuck you, asshole”, but from the high road…
Donald Trump only attacks things he can’t possibly have or attain.
The New York Times has won 132 Pulitzer Prizes. It won its first award in 1918, and has since won more Pulitzer prizes than any other organization. (Wikipedia)
Trump has won no such award.
He did win some Trump steaks and a MAGA hat autographed by Ivanka, once. Something about worlds greatest dad. That was right before she ratted him out to the J6C.
Breaking on TikToc
Hobby Lobby has a full-page ad arguing that only Christians should run the government.
What they’re saying is politicians should run religion.
Whiny ass baby loses again.
Dear Mr. Trump,
Pound sand.
Pulitzer Board
Can you even imagine how terrible at life you have to be to think that Donald J. Trump is a model of success?
And if the Pulitzer Board doesn’t recognize concise, pithy, to-the-point communication, who does?
To further humiliate him. It was worth it to them. rubs hands together in glee