Prep Work Begins To Take From The Poor, Give To The Rich

Silly goose, that’s only when the redistribution flows downhill!


The NBC News report on the split between more and less-engaged voters is both disturbing and entirely predictable. Trump appeals to the “moron caucus” that fills the backward white trash nation in between the cities and suburbs. Harris won all the rest - the people that make this country actually work.

Trump will find resistance to his draconian policies among the people who have the most economic power. The people who will suffer, greatly, will be the less engaged voters who put him in office, again, and who have no idea what is coming at them. The result will be a resounding collapse in GOP support everywhere within 24 months. The economic issues that Trump won on, inflation and lack of opportunity, will only get worse in 24 months and the same forces that toppled incumbents around the world will topple Trump - but HE will deserve it.

As they say, you just can’t fix stupid, particularly arrogant stupidity. Trump and his band of morons have it in spades.


Trump got them to believe they are the problem without them figuring out he and his ilk are screwing them.


So when do we find out that we, over 65, have to ditch regular MediCare and sign up for advantage.
The insurance companies are so looking forward to this.


Dude it’s literally already happened ask my 85 year old mother.


Yep, the Middle Class is toast. Except for their housing, food, and healthcare, the poor can’t contribute unless their resulting homelessness creates the desire for maximum investment in prisons built and funded at public expense (At a price far higher than public housing warranted.). Surely somebody is ready to swoop in on such an investment opportunity. I guess it would be an indirect contribution by the poor, but still…


Or, from the same movie, enough protection from the consequences of their actions.


And this was the ‘traditional family’ supporting, ‘family values’ fucking candidate.
If the hypocrisy got any thicker, people could choke to death on it.


Hell, they should be working a second job to make the government whole for the subprime mortgage bail outs.
Penny for penny, they surely got the most benefit from it.


Is this the beginning of the “hunger games”?


So we moved from “socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else” to the strongman, a model that is considerably more primitive but despite its similarities in outcome, in socioeconomic decline, its cultural impact is even more grim.

Everybody (except the dictator and his family and friends) gets poorer. The market system depends upon competition. Under a strongman, there will be no such thing. The strongman’s clan will be favored by government. Our wealth inequality, bad enough already, will get worse. Anyone hoping for prosperity will have to seek the patronage of the official oligarchs. Running a small business will become impossible. As soon as you achieve any sort of success, someone who wants your business denounces you.

– Tim Snyder The Strongman Fantasy

End-stage capitalism is a debilitating disease but what’s coming under Trump could be even worse. Many of the fools who voted for him claim they did it to “shake things up” and they may be right, more’s the pity.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. – H. L. Mencken


“I feel like there are some common sense, reasonable things, that almost 90 percent of the American people would say, ‘That’s got to change,’” Arrington said.”

Does that apply to gun control, which most Americans want?


It would sure help a lot if California would get its shit together and count votes more quickly. I read an article the other day where the vote-counters in CA were proud that they take so long because (they claimed) it proves how accurate they are. Nonsense, of course. Get over, it CA. This isn’t 1916 when you surprised the nation by delivering Woodrow Wilson to his second term.

Damage done. The larger public will continue to believe Trump’s claims of a landslide popular vote.


Bobby Jindal resurfacing is a clear portent of the Apocalypse.


It’s not even about money, except insofar as more money helps raise Mulwray to godhead. But truly to be god, you have to be immortal – not just into the future, but into the past. So rape your own daughter to create another daughter. “The future, Mr. Gittes. The future.” And, “I want the only daughter I’ve got left.” Gittes doesn’t yet know that that daughter is also Mulwray’s granddaughter.

The daughter, the woman, as vehicle for male godhead.

Father-daughter incest literature, along with American Adam literature – and let’s include movies in the category “literature” – explains a lot that is fundamental to our society.

Chinatown is one great movie.


The one thing I have always wondered about with this work requirements thing on Medicaid:

Many who collect Medicaid are physically and/or mentally disabled. What jobs are these folks going to be able to find that they can effectively perform? Will there be funding for employers to adapt workspaces to allow these folks to work?

My guess is no, so the idea is to economically starve this segment of the population, in the manner of reducing the economic impact of having to support these ‘freeloaders’.

That’s my guess.


Speaking is where it starts. And I understand your frustration because Democrats have done a lot of that.

Now hearing, there’s our problem. How do we get people to hear an honest criticism? Some have told me that the plugs will only come out of people’s ears when their wallet is really hurt.

Apparently, the sad part, even death will bother few. If they are alive, it is all about the wallet.


Yes, but his goal is to make everyone else a bigger loser than he is. As Tim Snyder writes in his excellent post on the Strongman Fantasy (re-posted from above)


Agree on everything, but the creepy John Huston Character is Noah Cross - Evelyn Mulwray’s (Faye Dunaway) father. Mulwray is the dead husband.


Might I suggest that this is the point of Donnie’s outrage du jour and norm busting: to make everyone else feel powerless to stop him and hence impotent?