CIA personnel had a hard time with this guy when he was at the Agency. He threw tantrums, for one thing.
He wanted to throw a tantrum at the Nashville reporter interviewing him. For two reasons:
(1) General arrogance
(2) A fright so severe he wanted to run out of the room screaming
But I’ll bet the House that Pompeo left that interview believing that he hit a home run.
Barr is different: Smarter, MORE arrogant, a much better dissembler and MUCH MUCH more evil. A million deaths caused by any action on his part is equivalent to one of us stealing a stapler from the office.
Easy. Which answer would he NOT want to give? Yes. So de didn’t give it. The answer is yes and I see he’s sticking to the memo and drug the Democrats into something they have nothing to do with.
The Secretary doesn’t seem to have won many friends at his department, so I expect to see him twisting slowly in the wind for a while.
There’ll be an interview with Congress, but since he’s a player here, I don’t think he’ll say much more than Manafort ever did.
Then, there’ll be some delay before he gets ‘to spend more time with my family.’
The Jewish man in the background is on the phone with god, making sure they’re still on for tennis the next morning. “Hey listen, bubbie, I’m still your guy, right, and these goyishe putzes are just doing that constipated pose thing they do to look pious”.
I just want to know where my check from Soros is. (It is late again, for at least the 56th month in a row. I am going to start demanding back interest.)
Because It’s obviously the Democrats’ fault that Pompeo is an insufferable autocratic thug who has belittled his own professional staff, engaged in extortion of foreign governments and has likely broken the law. Those crafty Dems.
Of course part of that is for shiny buttons and snappy salutes.
You could be George Marshall and get demerits for not having hospital corners on your bed.
It’s a yes or no question. Not that difficult to answer except when you don’t want the world to know it’s yes and you have to explain yourself. Of course he met with him!