Pompeo Goes After MSNBC Anchor For Calling Out Speech In GA Weeks Before Senate Runoff | Talking Points Memo

Yeah. Why doesn’t she pick on someone her own size?


I know what Pompous has done wrong, but tell me what Mitchell has done. Still first to post, last to reply still.


Somehow, it’s not a stretch to see Mikey in a tumbril, creaking towards the guillotine.
Not that justice grinds that way in this country; but, still, in all likelihood, there’s an analog awaiting him.


Pompeo has presidential ambitions. He just lost them. Honesty and reality don’t seem to be strong points with him.


I don’t understand the animosity around Mitchell, or excuse me, the wife of Greenspan. What the fuck has she ever done that arouses this much fever. The same disdain could apply to any of the hairdos and talking heads who are on in the afternoon on MSNBC but she gets the heat. She’s as controversial as a glass of milk, so I’m going to guess it’s her two X genes.


Why should he worry about Covid?:
“Trump announced Giuliani’s positive test on Twitter Sunday, and on Monday he said he was “doing very well.”
The former mayor said it was Trump’s White House doctor who encouraged him to seek treatment at Georgetown University Medical Center and get the same remdesivir and dexamethasone combination Trump received in October when he contracted the illness himself.
“I didn’t wanna really go to the hospital, and he said, ‘Don’t be stupid. We can get it over with in three days,’” Giuliani explained.”

When people like Pompeo get Covid they get Royal treatment and get over it quickly. Then they tell everyone else it wasn’t so bad and can be cured easily if you get it.
If you get it try getting even a tenth of the type of treatment our real elites get.


Pompeo and his bullshit will be gone, but the crazy and enraged base which threatens violence more and more to anyone who doesn’t believe trumPP won remains



This is a thread worth checking out.


Now that Pompeo and friends were not able to overthrow the will of the people he is back to running for office…governor, Senator, something??? He is an ambitious, back biting piece of garbage that constantly cites his ‘Christianity’ to cover up his crimes. He is a reprehensible toad.


You can also tell he thinks we are all stupid, and that he will never have to answer for the shitty things he has done and continues to do.


Lame duck soon to be out of a job.

Where will he land OANN or Newsmax?

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No. It’s not her chromosomes. It’s her years of bothsiderism, her complete failure to offer any information or opinion that might ruffle the feathers of her fellow privileged, Beltway elites or that might cut off her access to DC dinner parties. Mitchell is Chuck Todd in a red dress. I would call her a fraud, but that would require that she stand for something.


Thanks for sharing. I think Katie Porter is simply awesome.


“I promise you, when Secretary (John) Kerry traveled to Massachusetts or Secretary (Hillary) Clinton traveled to New York, those were coastal elite states. Those were all fine for secretaries to travel to,” Pompeo said on Monday.
… … …

Errrmm … … … is not Georgia a “coastal elite” state for the goobers? It has lots of coastline.


And he’s probably right that he will never be called to answer for those things. ‘Deplorable’ was and is the right word for these people.


Fulvous shitwits all?


I can’t stand to listen to Mitchell - her stammering through a broadcast makes my teeth itch. But the odious Pompeo is especially foul - a rude, uberpartisan hack who thinks nothing of using his position for personal benefits, large and small.


This blog site is for left wingers and progressives and that works for me. News programs on MSNBC, CNN and elsewhere are supposed to be non-partisan. Watch the few talkers at night, beginning with Hayes, ending with O’Donnell if you want to hear only what you believe. Bothsiderism is a bullshit term meaning only that you get the perspective of what both parties are doing, but if you want only good news about Dems and condemnation of repubs stay here.


I know. :frowning:

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Agreed. I can’t watch her and think she’s past her prime, but I loathe Pompeo with every fiber of my being.