Pompeo Gives Trump Cover On His Bogus Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Floats Potential Probe | Talking Points Memo

#MoscowMike can’t let Devin Nunes run away with Employee of the Month honors.




“Any time there is information that indicates that any country has messed with American elections, we not only have a right but a duty to make sure we chase that down,” Pompeo said…
Any time that is except when Russia does it.


Mike Pompeo graduated top of his class in West Point, so he could not possibly be a dishonorable, mendacious or unpatriotic man.


Trump could have the entire cabinet linking their arms in a line and doing high kicks, Rockette style, while singing :musical_note:”It woz Ukraine wot did it,”:musical_note:with a Busby Berkeley overhead cam and it still would not be the case.


Let me take a wild stab at why he said this. Could it possibly be he’s trying to make nice with the one who’s shit list he’s on? Oh, the transparency.


Somebody help me out. What do they call the investigative agency within the State Department?


Should we run down every bit of “information” uncovered by Alex Jones, the Q Anon crowd, and every hostile intelligence service lurking in the shadows?


So Pompeo will support an inquiry into Russian interference in 2016 and 2020? And an inquiry into whether or not Trump and his campaign conspired with Putin’s administration to rig the election in Trump’s favor?

Pompeo was a member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the same committee that asked (subpoenaed?) Secretary Hillary Clinton to testify and grilled Clinton over the course of 11 hours in 2015.

But Pompeo is himself refusing a House subpoena? What kind of ruckus would Pompeo have raised if Clinton had refused to testify for his committee in October 2015?

Why isn’t this stunning display of hypocrisy by Pompeo getting covered? Why aren’t Democrats pointing it out every chance they get, every time Pompeo’s name comes up?

Democrats should be saying something like, “Mike Pompeo’s Benghazi committe called in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She showed up and answered question for 11 hours. And now that Mike Pompeo is Secretary of State, he’s refusing to honor a House subpoena? Of the two, I guess we know now who really has something to hide.”


If you read carefully, note that his responses are independent prepared statements, NOT answers to the questions at all.


The attack on our Democracy continues. When are the Democrats and the courts going to start fighting back.

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Yet Pompeo pushed the false claim anyway on Tuesday, asserting that the U.S. “should leave no stone unturned.”

And, unlike Pompeo and his bunch of crap, these Ruddy Turnstones have a purpose in leaving no stones unturned which is to eat. Too bad Pompeo isn’t as honest as these birds.


“When the time is right, all good things happen,” he said with a smile.

F*** this smug bullshit. You work for us, a$$hole.

If they had exonerating evidence, they’d be chomping at the bit to testify in public. Their absolute refusal to do so is increasingly clear evidence of their guilt.


Pompeo announced additional inquiries:

  1. To determine if the moon landing was faked,
  2. To continue Trump’s search for President Obama’s original long form birth certificate.
  3. To see if the Twin Towers imploded from within on 9-11.

Pompeo said other investigations may be opened, depending upon instructions from Rudy Guiliani, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.


Seriously people, there so many worse terms we can use to accurately characterize Pompeo than fat.

For instance: cowardly, criminal, crooked, wingnut, hypocrite, smug, arrogant, asshole, traitor, Republican …

… and yeah, I know they’re all synonymous, but at least it has variety.


Honest to CHRIST!!! Same sht, different day. This is the EXACT same path they took for BENGHAZI!!! No evidence, no proof but BY GOD they are gonna have 5 million investigations ALL funded by the taxpayers.


This times a million. It is up to Democrats to use the media to drive this kind of hypocrisy home, over and over and over, until “Pompeo” is considered a synonym for “hypocrite” in every American household.

This one is so easy, and it’s beyond frustrating to see our media refuse to call out Pompeo’s naked hypocrisy on this.


It’s simple. Pompeo is in it for the money. Follow the money… and not just his money, but his property and other wealth. Much of it is no doubt in foreign accounts and/or property overseas.


West Point, Schmest Point. No honor, no integrity, and no leadership from this loser.

Pompeo is doubling down on a lie. No better than a used car salesman.


going to be a steep climb getting back to the senate run thing.
might have to go to the mar-logo sweat shop and be the door guy.