Please, let’s not ever be sensitized to any of this—while fat orange man plots ‘Tanks, Planes & Sticking it to Taxpayer’ salute to himself, these babies, men and women are dying.
It has grown much worse since Rumpos regime halted aid to Central America countries and withdrew any form of foreign policy. Horrendous.
As my heroes the Dixie Chicks said (with some editing):
"Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war with immigrants, this violence against humanity and we’re ashamed that the President of the United States is a fake billionaire and grifter with no brains” #DoneMakingNiceWithGOP
OT, but where did all the news go about the scientists at the USDA who have to move to Kansas City or “quit” by mid-July? Apparently, there were attempts to stop this, but none have succeeded and it’s on track to happen.
ETA: They have to “decide” whether to move or not by July.
This is one incredibly damaging document to the government’s internment of innocents by the 1000s in prison camps. Details are astounding. It will be removed from the internet. I saved it on my hard drive because I know the government will disappear it asap.
In the basement of one of the buildings at Auschwitz (In the back row, last building to the right after you come in the gate), there are tiny cells where people were placed to torture them, just by making them stand-- not enough room to sit or anything. The opening to enter is actually at ground level, going up just enough to make an opening that someone somehow could crawl up and then stand there. And it wasn’t like they would stand alone in there, either. If I recall right, there were like 6 people to the space. In a space that even one person would be claustrophobic.
Timing is everything. This alone tells me they have been stewing on this report for sometime. If spin is criminal, Gidley just committed a felony. So now the tact is blame it on the other guys. Wait that is not new.
Absolutely. This is what everyone feared in the days immediately following the election in 2016. It’s what kept me from eating and sleeping and unable to concentrate at work. And now it’s coming to pass.
The picture of the women and kids has a Superdome-during-Hurricane-Katrina vibe.
I wonder if that $750/night figure includes a percentage of the cost of blasting the A/C. Not a cheap proposition in Texas in June. Although I guess to these thugs, cruelty is priceless…
Use to call these types of situations “clusterfucks.” Now we just call them Trumpfucks and the Trump White Nationalists’ Party just goes “lalalalalalalala” as they stick their fingers in their ears and cover their eyes.
Try that one for how they contort themselves to ignore this travesty.
Jeez, what has happened to our country. And lest I forget, Fuck you, Mitch McConnell, you treasonous bastard.
I think it exceeds it. There is too much of this that was not only avoidable, but was consciously put into effect. Katrina revealed a clueless dynamic filled with negatives of bias, incompetence and real world understandings.The primary cause was mother nature however. Not a thing of what is happening in this case can be attributed to factors outside of our control. This smacks of deliberate attempts to get away with as much as possible. Inflicted pain is an intended feature and not an inadvertent effect.